Wolf Bait (Perry and Jonas)

Chapter 215

Chapter 215


Perry looks amazing. Oz chose a baby blue gown. Perry isn’t one to show too much skin and in this, she looks phenomenal. I doubt she’s ever wom this mich blue in her life, but it brings out the soft tan she’s been working on since turning. Her hair is the same color as snow now. Her eyes look like amethyst lanes and I can’t stop glancing at her.

A part of me thought she was going to need a moment when she saw the pictures in the box. I’d never seen pictures of her as a child. I’ve seen a couple of her and Darren but the box was filled to the brim. They’re all dated and have a little note written on the back. He loved her just as much as I know she loves him.

Her friends may have thought he was an asshole, but I see why she loved him the way she did in spite of everything they went through. Darren treated Perry the way she wanted to be treated. She wanted to be taken seriously in a world where men would have laughed at her ideals. Alpha males are like that

The fact that they grew up together probably helped keep him level–minded when she was out there nearly getting herself killed. It’s something I’m having trouble with. I rather learn to keep up with her than try to stop her. She’s never going to stop. It’s just who she is and I think he understood that.

The trust she makes me feel is liberating. I didn’t think I’d be able to after everything that happened and yet, she’s helped me see things from a different perspective. If shit happens were person that came with the level of understanding that Pernicious has, I want the picture of her in this fucking dress to be what is set as the example.

Every now and then, I look up to see her talking to random people. She’s laughing and interacting with everyone. It doesn’t look forced but for someone who is around her as much as I am can tell she’s not too happy about being surrounded by strangers.

“Okay, but don’t go too far. I want to be able to see where you are at all times,” Roy catches my attention as he fixes Hunter’s bow tie. The boy is a spitting image of the boy in the pictures with Perry.

“Yes, Poppa,” Hunter bows and runs off to catch up with Natalie noveldrama

“Don’t,” he growls at me when I open my mouth to repeat what the kid called him. “I tried for Dad, but he insists on Poppa “Poppa Roy is lit,” Jordan smacks him on the back. “How is he?”

“He misses her. It sucks that I don’t really have any stories about her to tell him,” he clears his throat and takes a drink from the beer bottle in his hand

“I know you’re upset with Perry about how things went down, but you should talk to her about this. She can help. She’s surprisingly good with kids,” I tell him. “Natalie loves her,”

“I was never upset with her, he shakes his head.

“Bunny is helping Nat with her vocals. I’ve never seen siren notes that high or as compelling,” Jordan blurts out. “Dr. Salazar says that she has every right to be afraid of them. One word could end someone,”

“I didn’t know you wanted to be a father, James hands me a beer and another to Jordan

“Neither did I. It kind of just sneaks up on you,” he pops the top Thanks for helping us out, man,”

“Anything for 1 smack him on the back almost knocking the beer out of his hand to stop him from saying something fucking dumb. Silas and Roy look away trying not to laugh. “Without your training, Her Majesty wouldn’t have much use for

  1. me.

“Do you

remember the first time we brought her out? Silas laughs. “She was ready to bite anyone who got too close,


“She hates all of this. That is the face of someone sucking it up until she can get back to her damn computer, I shake my

“Mom is coming over, James taps my elbow. The others walk away leaving the two of us here while our mother walks right. up to us. “Mother,” he greets her and throws an arm over her shoulder. “Play nice. The Queen is in a mood today.”

“Give us a moment, James,” she rolls her eyes.

He laughs and kisses the top of her head before going over to Perry and my sister. When Perry’s eyes meet mine she winks at me and my mother catches it.

“What did she do to convince you to let me out today?” she asks

“She didn’t. After I told her I wanted nothing to do with you, she stopped bringing you up,” but it never stopped her from coming all the way back here to ask for her advice and bring her girly essentials.

“Why did you then?”

“A couple of reasons. Mainly because Andromeda is going through a rough time. I don’t know how to deal with scandals. 1 never have and Perry has a lot on her plate at the moment. I figured she could use you by her side while things settle down and her trial starts.”


“I hear you got her Maria Blake as representation. She’s a wolf. Her mate might be a wolf, but she most certainly is not. Would it be alright if I take her place?”

“No, Maria is representing her. You’re no longer a free citizen of the Lycan Union. You’re a criminal, mother. By law, you should have been put to death right next to your son. You must remember that it is because of a wolf that you two aren’t dead. Is that all?”

“No,” she says quietly.

1 hate seeing her like this. She had been my greatest ally growing up. She taught me a lot about people and how to get them to do what I want without asking. I understand that she was put in a tough position when Evangeline came around, but the fact is that she chose to do what she did. Knowingly. I’ve gone through all her belongings since Perry brought her back.

She doesn’t know that I’ve seized my grandparents‘ estate and pack with the evidence Perry was able to get off their computer. They planned on killing me and my siblings to take my place themselves even if it meant taking care of her as well I don’t know if she knows that, but there’s a lot I can’t overlook. For now, she’s where she needs to be.

“I don’t want you to apologize,” I say truthfully when I see she’s struggling to get anything out. “Even if it were sincere, 1 wouldn’t be able to take your word for it. The only reason I have any kind of relationship with James is because of Perry. Because she believes there’s something redeemable about him. He’s proven to be an asset and is working hard to earn his freedom.

“I let you out because I feel that if I can give him a second chance you maybe deserve the same. You’re coming back with us,” I reach into my coat and hold up the pearl gun Perry used to ag my brother. “You’re going to be added to the house–staff and earn a wage just like him. You’re going to pretend to be the best fucking mother you can be for my sister and if you so much as try anything I will blow your fucking head off,”


I place my hand on her shoulder and pull her closer. She’s afraid and a part of me is dying knowing that I am the reason behind it, but I don’t know how else to move forward. If this thing with James is working why wouldn’t it help with her? I place the gun to her neck and inject her with the pearl. I lift it and do the same to myself.

Do you understand?” I growl. She nods unable to meet my eyes pinch her chin to make her look at me. Tears swell in her eyes as she fights breaking down. “You are my mother and I will ways love you because I can’t help it. But you are no longer the former Queen of our race. You will be stripped of everything you’ve worked for just like him. You are not part of the Pack nobility. You will be known as Alegra Verillies and nothing se. Have a good night, mother. And Merry Christmas to you too,

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