Wild West of the Heart


"What is this?" She asked Obi who showed him his phone. He cleared his throat. "You wouldn't believe this, Mira" She narrowed her eyes to read what was displayed on the screen. "To my lover, Jazzlyn?" She read.

And Obi nodded, turning off what Fiyin had sent him. "What is that?" Mira was intrigued. "That is a famous writer, whose book we are currently using for our literature project. And that is Jazz" Obi's eyes lit up as he stretched out his palms.

"How are we sure it's the same Jazzlyn?" Silva asked, tying his robe around his waist. He took a sip of his merlot at past seven am in the morning.

"I mean" Obi paused. "There's only one way to find out" He turned his phone back on, searching up on the author, Reginald Ojo, and all his info.

"He's in town for a new book launch" Obi said, looking to Mira whose eyes widened in shock.

"He's the one" She replied and Silva took a seat beside her while she stood.

"He's been at the police station" She continued, as she scanned the room for his keys. "Send me that info, and you just go to school" She patted Obi as she walked past. "Silva, you're driving" She said. "How is one so energetic in the morning?" He nagged, being of no capacity to actually drive nor make a full sentence.

"Maybe because i don't wake up to a bottle of Merlot" Mira teased, walking into her room.

"Obi, go get ready for school. It's Monday" She yelled from her closet while he just rolled his eyes. He had told her about Jazz, so he could maybe tag along, and use that as an excuse not see Abdul that day. Or for the rest of the week. After the mishap that had happened over the weekend at his sister's awry wedding, of course they hadn't talked since then. Because it was Obi who had to say something he should have said.

But somehow, he got tongue-tied in the moment out of fear, even though he felt exactly the same way. He dragged his feet up the stairs and into the room and he let out a long exhausting sigh. "Fuck my life" He dived head first into his bed, muttering his early morning mantle.


"Let's look at homeostasis like this. It's just like an organism yeah-" Fiyin paused, demonstrating to Ola from the textbook. It was the one time in a week she promised to help his crippling knowledge of biology. And he'd help her in ICT. A simple trade, but Fiyin had gotten the upper end of the deal. Because Ola could swear biology was just made of words and more words. And unlike physics and maths, there was no definite formula or calculations. It was just theory, and he pretty much sucked at that.

It didn't mean, he stopped paying attention to Fiyin because right then, his pupils dilated as they stared at her curved lips trying to explain the concept of science. Maybe he was just intrigued, or he was smitten. Either way it was a win win, because he knew some scientific names for grasses and he got to spend more time with Fiyin.noveldrama

"Now that organism has the ability to maintain a stable internal environment while it adjusts to conditions that are best for its survival" She said, as Obi walked up to the table, placing his bag on it. "Now" She stretched out a finger for him to pause. "That ability is called homeostasis"

He heaved a deep breath, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, tutor Bamidele" Obi teased. "How about you enlighten me on reasons not to off myself right now" He fell into the seat, as Ola leaned back. "That was out of pocket, Obi. What's up?"

His eyes trailed around the room for Abdul who was nowhere to be found. And it wasn't a mystery to Fiyin and Ola to figure out that something had gone wrong over the weekend.

"It was bad" Was enough for him to say as Fiyin sucked her lips. "Yikes, scale of one to ten?" She asked and he whispered. "Eleven"

He searched his bag for something and before you know it, he hefted in his hands, the literature book, maybe to just avoid this whole conversation because he cringed at how bad the event had turned out. Fiyin then sat forward, reading the book title, AMEBO.

"You saw what i sent you?" She asked and he hummed. "I told Mira, and he might find a way for them to talk about it. About her" Obi said.

"Turns out he as well went to the police station"

"That's true Ola. How'd the statement go?" It wasn't exactly the sort of question he expected but he just nodded. "It was okay. At least Dare was nice about it" He replied.

"But are you sure they're going to something about it?" Fiyin asked. "The police doesn't exactly have the reputation for solving murder cases"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Hope, Fiyin. It's all we have" Obi stretched his arms out. "And pray"

"Right now, Ojo-" He hefted the book, referring to the author. "Is the one person that can tell her story. He's the one person that truly knew her"

Ola collected the book, turning it around.

"What's it about?" He asked, he didn't know because he wasn't in literature class. However, he was roped in from the book cover. The two people with their backs against each other, in some cotton field and dandelions around them. It gave the title some sort of tragedic romance vibes and Obi just pushed a lump down his throat. He remembered the first day Abdul had told him about the book and how he yawned. But now, three chapters in, he was obsessed with it. "There's two MCs. One Benjamin who so happens to be a non binary Nigerian. His parents find out and they keep him out. He doesn't have a place to go so he lives on the streets in this tent where he gets to meet people just like him. And amongst those people, was Jax" His voice cracked.

"Jax is a trans boy who as well lives in Nigeria. He didn't have much growing up and he ended up the streets. Where he meets Ben. And these two form a very unlikely friendship and maybe a relationship but i've not gotten there" He added and Ola just nodded. "What's non binary?" He asked. And Obi just shrugged his shoulders.

"I dont really know. But it's something that's very relatable to. I find Ben honestly very relatable. It's the first time i'm seeing a Nigerian story about queer teenagers, you know" Obi looked away and Fiyin nodded, making eye contact with Ola. "She knows right?" He asked and Obi nodded.

"I told her, not that it matters" He whispered, referring to Fiyin. "And Mira, no?" Ola asked him. "It hasn't just come up, Mide. I'll find time when i find the words" He replied and Fiyin let go of his palms. "You shouldn't feel ashamed, Obi" "We're really all on this journey to find ourselves"

"It's a failed experiment, doesn't change that" He replied. "Nothing failed. It's just growth. It's all growth, Obi" He said, and just then a sharp sound pierced their ears from the intercom.

"Timekeeper, ring the bell" Collins' voice raged the halls and it shut through Fiyin's insides. She just had to close her eyes, till his voice was gone.

But then, there was a flood of students at the door as they all stood. And the moment Deborah sighted Fiyin, Obi laid his eyes on Abdul as well.

And he had never run up to someone like he did in that moment. "Abdul" He called, tapping his shoulders and pulling him out of the crowds. He pulled out his eyepiece and looked to Obi.

"What is it?" He came off stoic, as Obi fluttered his eyelashes. "I" He stuttered, trying to find the right words but Abdul wasn't having it. His phone rang in his pockets and he heaved it out, walking out on Obi. And towards the storage closet. It was the closet in which they had almost kissed that day, but his mind was off it. Instead, he just stared at the unknown number on his phone before he picked it. "Hello" He responded and there was a sound of breath on the other line. "Ab" There was only one person that called him that, besides Obi. And that was his sister, Aal. He hadn't heard from her since well, what happened.

And he way his eyes lit up in that moment was incomparable with anytime it ever had. "Aal" He called, with a crack in his voice. "Listen, Ab. I don't have much time. But i just wanted to check in on how you were doing" She said. And Abdul scoffed, leaning his back against the wall. "How i'm doing?" He echoed. "Girl, you literally fled your own wedding. How are you doing?" He rephrased and all she did was chuckle, as if it was still a shock to her. To be honest, it was to everyone as well.

"It wasn't my wedding. It was Khadija's" She referred to her mother. "How is she?" She dared to ask, and Ab immediately recalled that fateful night, how he was pretty sure she had a breakdown of some sort. "She's thriving" He lied. "Well" She paused. "I'm happy. Honestly i just wanted to hear your voice. And to tell you, i'm safe. And don't you dare tell mum and dad you contacted me" She warned. "Where are you?"

"Ab, i'm safe. That's all you need to know. And you don't need to worry about them finding me" It was true, as at that moment, she was in Ekiti state, just behind Jamie, just about to start their lives together. She'd met him, and he was, well, he was easily the happiest man that day.

And she was happy, like she said.

"Oh" Abdul exclaimed. "Don't come looking for me, Ab. I'll always keep in touch" She whispered, and with that she hung up, leaving him to mutter under his breath. "Bye" He held the phone to his chest as he heaved a deep sigh. "Bye, Aal-" "Were you able to talk?" Ola asked, coming from behind Obi. And he just shook his head. "No, he left. And i probably deserve it. I deserve everything coming at me" Ola held out his arms.

"No. Come on, let's go" He roped him through the doors where he was met with Abdul's eyes on the opposite side of the room. It was only for an intense second, before they both pulled away from each other like similar sides of a magnet


Ola knew then, that his ship had already sank.

To be continued...

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