The Wanted Alpha

Chapter 44


These three days had been so hectic, but I’d loved every minute of it!

I had kept the hall a surprise from Jude and Christopher. They knew I was decorating it for them, just not what it would look like. They had humoured me, but I really wanted to make this special for them, as my gift.

As soon as I had finished my run with Ethan, I had gone in search of the two earth wiccans, Juniper and Acacia. I was hoping they’d be able to help decorate the hall in plants and flowers. I wasn’t sure about the extent of their powers so I wanted to ask if it was doable. And I had also wanted to check on them to make sure they weren’t too scared, with what they’ve been through the idea of being in another conflict would be terrifying for them.

I think having the opportunity to use their powers in such a way had taken their minds off of things. They had done such a beautiful job, even the children had joined in to help, but they could only manage blossoming a few huge buds before they tired and fell asleep. We had taken to bringing some slab cushions and blankets for them to pile in a heap and cozy up in. Even Sparrow and the coven had come to help with the aid of some of the pack house Omegas. With tables and chairs arranged, soft fabrics hung and fairy lights wrapped everywhere, the place looked magical. Juniper and Acacia had woven the most beautiful blend of flowering vines around; purple and yellow wisteria, winter jasmine, winter honeysuckle, ivies and a vine with the most unusual flower I hadn’t seen before. It was large, maroon and looked a little like a pitcher plant.

“What is this, by the way?” I asked Acacia as we were leaving to go get dressed for the ceremony.

She answered with a laugh and sly smile, “that one is a little nod to Christopher, but I don’t know if he’ll know what it is. It’s called Dutchman’s pipe!”

“Ohhh,” I laughed. “I love it!”


I hadn’t spent nearly enough time with my mate as I would have liked these past few days. Our only time together had been at night, where I showed her exactly how much I had missed her touch. I hadn’t just been pushing my warrior’s training, I’d been pushing my own further too. But tonight, all my attention would be on her, my sweet. I was watching her get ready and attempting her makeup; she had the most adorable face when she was concentrating.

She slipped out of the closet looking radiant, in a long sleeved, grey-blue velvet dress that ended at the knee with thick black stockings and, to my surprise, a pair of black heels.

“You trying out heels for the first time? In the snow?” I questioned with a smile.

“I’ve been practicing, plus they look so good!”

That I couldn’t disagree with. Her legs and a*s looked phenomenal and with those extra couple of inches in height she was that much closer for me to k**s.

“There’s just one thing missing,” I said as I took out a bag from the side of the bed and held out its contents to put on her; a white, faux fur coat that fastened at the top with a single crystal button.

She spun around in the full length mirror, smiling wildly.

“How did you know?!”

“Janine told me you wouldn’t buy it with the dress when you all went out to pick something for tonight. I keep telling you, I make good money for this pack and you deserve to be spoiled daily,” I spoke softly as I stroked her cheek.

“Now come on, let’s get down there,” I said, slipping the navy suit jacket over my white shirt.


I hadn’t seen my mate for the last hour. Despite Kit saying it wasn’t necessary in a vampire ceremony like it was in a human one, I had a little surprise I didn’t want him to see till we stood by the pond.

I had had a short beard for the last four years and today, I was shaving it off.

It was a bizarre sight, seeing myself without it after all this time. I looked fresh faced and a damn sight younger…I wasn’t sure whether I preferred this or not, I looked unnaturally innocent.

Ethan had given us consent to use the pond near the pack house for the ceremony. I knew how much that place meant to him with the ashes of his parents being scattered there, so I didn’t just want to disturb the whole place without his blessing. We had been working most of the day to prepare the site, the water had felt freezing through my chest waders as I was breaking up the ice…I was now realising why vampires didn’t do this in winter.

It was a clear night, the stars were bright and with a half moon there’d be a decent amount of light. Although we wolves would be fine in the dimmer light and to a certain extent, the vampires too, the wiccans had little better eyesight than normal humans, so we set up a bunch of torches to be lit later on leading down to the pond.

I had my deep-red coloured suit ready to change into at the pack house because I certainly wasn’t going in that pond with it on…that s**t was expensive. I had sneaked a peek at the suit my mate’s coven had made him get; I didn’t know whether I was more excited to see him in it, or strip him out of it.

Now, it was time to get the show on the road. Jace was already dizzying himself in circles within my mind, wanting to join with our mate.

I headed out in a simple long sleeve t-shirt and sweats. Kit had said normally vampires wear something flowing and thin in the water, but most weren’t as idiotically persistent to marry on the Winter Solstice as I was, so…

Carrick and Ethan were stood waiting for me outside, in a teal tweed suit and a deep navy suit respectively. Their reaction was priceless!

“That’s just wrong,” Ethan uttered, mid laugh.

“It’s like looking at prepubescent Jude,” Carrick said, with narrowed eyes as though he was studying me to make sure it was in fact me.

I always had a masculine yet boyish face, it was one of the reasons why I grew a beard in the first place to look a little more adult.

“Very funny guys,” I faked laughed. “Now let’s move it, I’ve got a vampire to marry.”


Normally I would have walked down to the ceremony site with my soulmate. But he had decided to abscond for the last few hours, claiming he wanted to invoke the human’s wedding tradition of not seeing each other beforehand.

Just after I arrived at the water’s edge, I felt him approaching. I turned to see Jude…clean shaven? So that’s why he didn’t want to be seen before the ceremony. He looked far younger now, with far too innocent a face that hid his filth filled, sarcastic gutter of a mind. The chestnut curls crowning his head added to his now angelic look.

“Look a little more shocked, why don’t cha!” He grinned at me.

“Your plan was a success, I’m most definitely surprised,” I said as I reached out my hand to test the new, soft skin. I appreciated its velvet smoothness, but missed the coarse roughness from his beard.

I took his hand as we slipped our footwear off, stepping into the frigid waters. Our small group of guests that comprised of Jude’s close friends, his parents, my coven and the wiccans gathered around. We would be doing a slightly accelerated version of this given the temperature and Jude’s already chattering teeth. Wolves had quite a tolerance for the cold and vampires, even more so, but this would be pushing our limits.

I took out the white gold ring and grasping his left hand, I began my vows.

“There is no other in this world I would rather have by my side in this life, or any other life, than you. Even though you test my patience hourly,” I chuckled. “I could never love another like I do you. I would bind my soul to you, happily, for all eternity.”

I slipped the ring onto his finger, kissing the palm of his hand as he took mine to recite his vow.

“I don’t think I could have found anyone I love to annoy as much as you,” he said with a wide grin and as much as I tried to suppress my laugh and smile, I couldn’t. “And I promise, to test your patience, to embarrass you and make you question your life decisions to be with me, every minute, of every day, till the end. I love you Kit,” he finished as he slipped the ring on my finger and pulled me in for a tender k**s.

It was rare for me to feel overcome with emotions, but once again this maddening wolf made me feel things no other could.

“I don’t know about you, Kit, but my testicles have reascended. So let’s get the hell out of here and warmed up!”


The event hall looked insane!noveldrama

The two earth wiccans, Juniper and Acacia, had grown so many plants and vines everywhere. And with the lights April had wrapped along the beams and pillars the whole place looked beautiful.

But nothing looked as good as Kit. In his black velvet suit jacket, a double-breasted embroidered waistcoat, and a crisp white shirt with his glossy jet-black hair hanging around his shoulders, I could have jumped him the moment I saw him.

My plant boy scrubbed up impeccably well.

The party was in full swing with the band playing, food being served, the fires roaring, people dancing, eating, drinking. I saw the four wiccan children running about with the pack pups, obviously taking full advantage of staying up well past bedtime. I had managed to persuade Kit into drinking a couple of shots with me to loosen him up. He was so used to being ‘on’ as a leader, I would definitely be removing that stick from up his a*s tonight and getting him to cut loose. It must have worked as he didn’t fluster like I thought he would when I asked him to dance with me.

Later speaking with the other three vampires, Rhian, Maeryn and Cowyn with Sparrow holding onto his arm, they remarked how they had never seen their leader look so free and easy going as he danced with Juniper. It was a characteristic I loved so much seeing in him now. He had spent so many years looking after everyone else, ignoring his own wants and needs, it was good to see him indulging for a change, to see him truly happy.


I was certainly feeling the effects of the alcohol as we entered the wee hours of the morning. The earth wiccan girls had taken the children to bed a few hours ago now. I was taking a moment to appreciate one particular flower I noticed, silently amused by Juniper and Acacia’s humour.

“What’s got you smiling and why is it not me, Kit-ten,” Jude whispered in my ear.

I instantly scowled at that infernal pet name he insisted upon, desperately trying to ignore the fluttering feeling it ignited every time I heard it. I knew my eyes must have been glowing, as they always did when I was agitated by this infuriating wolf.

“It’s the flower, Dutchman’s pipe, it’s a little joke by the earth wiccans,” I smiled.

“They kinda look like something else,” he said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “Don’t worry sweetheart, your pipe is much more impressive.”

I stared at him, mortified. These wolves around us could hear him!

From out of nowhere, his mother appeared, slapping him up the back of his head. “Don’t you dare say such lewd things.”


“Don’t ‘ma’ me. I honestly have no idea how my baby boy grew up to have such a potty mouth. This is your father’s influence,” she narrowed her eyes at her mate, who simply laughed gently kissing her cheek.

“Ma, I’m begging you, stop.”

I couldn’t suppress my laughter at his blushed, awkward embarrassment. So far, his mother was the only one I’d seen that silenced him in such a way.

After moving his parents along and returning, still pink-cheeked, “I don’t know about you husband, but I think it’s time we go consummate the hell out of our marriage,” he smirked wickedly at me.

“It already is consummated…many times over. But I certainly won’t deny you again,” I spoke quietly as I returned his grin.


I had never actually danced with a woman before, but I was pleased I hadn’t yet stood on my April’s delicate feet. She had done such an amazing job with this whole thing, everyone had. The worries and fears seemed a world away right now for everyone. I looked over to my Gamma to see him being propped up by his mate who was pushing the dreadlocks away from his face, having drunk far too much. Our metabolism for alcohol, as well as food, was incredibly high, so he’d be fine in a few hours and with some sleep. I had noticed Jude sneak away with his new husband a few minutes ago, no doubt I wouldn’t be seeing him for possibly a few days.

The party was winding down, people were heading home and I looked over to my sleepy looking mate who had abandoned her heels to help some of the Omegas clear up, despite their protests that they had it covered.

Grabbing her coat and with her heels in hand, I picked her up bridal style to carry her home, much to her protests.

“I think it’s time we get you in bed, my Luna,” I smiled and thanked the omegas for all their help.

Settling my mate onto our bed, I was about to start helping her undress when I felt my phone buzz. I took it out immediately, thinking it would be the hourly update I received from the she-wolves I had stationed at Monkshood Moon. I was confused to see ‘unknown’ flash across the front. The smile I had on my face while being next to my mate slipped as I read the message.

Unknown | Nicholas is on the move. You have around 36 hours. He’s bringing 2000 wolves. Be ready

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