The Unloved Mate

Chapter 37

Damien’s pov

As soon as the girls and mom were out of earshot i started laughing like a madman. Oh god her face! I know she is scared because she will have to describe​ the whole mating to them, but thats not true.

Mom does this every time. Whenever a close friend or family female mates for the first time, my mom arranges a treat for them to celebrate, not ask for details.

Nate​ and dad let out a small chuckle. After snacks we all sprawl on the couch in the TV room and watch todays football game. They are playing horrible! I bet even Nate could do better than them and he is horrible!

The game ends around 6 and dinner will be served around 7. I should check up on Bella.

I get off the couch and try to locate Bella. I pass by Nina’s room and hear some giggles and ‘awes’. I stop in front of the door when i hear something.

“Oh my good, look at him! He is so hot! Oh did the temperature suddenly rise or is it just me?!” Nina’s​ voice said. I froze in my steps and decided to listen. Then i hear Bella talking, and what she says pisses me off!

“Did you see his jawline?! Oh god his abs! So delicious! And his hair, just want to run my hands through them” Thats it! I have had enough! I broke the door open and see the Nina and bella sitting on the floor, and about dozens of photos surrounding them.

They both look at me in shock. I was heaving and glaring at both of them. I was mad, furious even, but I din’t want to lash out on bella, so i asked her.noveldrama

“What is going on here? And what photos are those?”

They collected the photos and made a small bundle in the middle. Both smiling innocently.

I took a look at the photos and almost sighed in relief when i only saw mine and Adam’s pictures. That got me more confused.

Nina sighed and explained.

“We were playing a game where we have to collect our mate’s all possible pictures and then shuffle them together. Then one by one we take out a picture, look at it and within 10 seconds we have to make a comment on it. We had almost finished, but thanks to you, it’s ruined now.”

Now i was feeling bad. But i was kind of happy when i remembered​ the comment bella made. It was for me. She thinks I’m hot?

“Damien why did you do that? We were having so much fun. You ruined it! Now you have to sleep alone tonight, I’ll sleep with Nina! Go!” Bella said in an angry tone. I was too shocked to register her words, but when i did i felt like i was thrown off a mountain. How could she do that to me!

I can’t sleep without her!

“That sounded creepy dude!”

“Shut up! Not the time!”

“Bella you can’t do that! You know i won’t be able to sleep all night! Please. I can explain.” I said crouching down in front of her.

“Then explain! What are you waiting for!?” Nina butted in angrily. I’m happy Adam was not here with me or else he would be grilled.

“Bella i was looking for you, and when i was going past Nina’s room i heard your giggles, so I …..

so I heard your conversation. And I thought you were complimenting someone else, and it didn’t settle well. That’s why! I’m sorry! Forgive me! Baby I love you!”

Bella had an adorable confused face on. It looked as if she was battling whether to forgive me or not.

“I forgive you Damien. Only because I love you too” she said “but you will sleep alone today. It’s your punishment for scaring us.”

“Ok then, at least you forgave me. Can i get a k**s, please?” I said.

She leaned forward and placed her soft, luscious lips on mine. After a few minutes she pulled away and pushed me out of the door. Before she could close the door I pecked her lips once more.

Before closing the door she smiled and winked at me. I sighed and went to to my room. The bed was still messy from before. I pulled at the cover and sheets. I saw a red stain on the sheets. The thought that i would have hurt her gave an uneasy feeling in my heart.

I replaced the sheet with a fresh one threw the dirty once in the laundry. I arranged all the pillows. I have to get more pillows, these are only enough for one.

I went down for dinner and saw bella sitting with Nina, chatting.

” Baby, what are you doing there? Come here?” I mind linked her.

” Nina wanted to speak about something, once she is done I’ll come to you.” She said and gave me a glance. I sighed.

Once the dinner was served Bella came and sat on my lap as always. At least she’s not pushing me away. As usual i fed the both of us. Now my family din’t stare at us like an entertainment show. They got used to see us this way.

Throughout dinner i tried to convince her to sleep with me, but she did not budge.

Dinner was over and everyone said their goodnight’s. I walked with Bella to Nina’s room and held her hand once we reached.

“Please?” I asked for the thousandth time.

She was about to say something but Nina pulled her inside. I g*****d and went to my room. I plopped myself on the bed and turned off the lights. I hugged the pillow on which bella slept. Her faint scent lingered in the covers.

I snuggled myself closer to the pillow and sighed. This is going to be a long night.


At midnight (around 1:00)

No matter how much i tried, sleep din’t come to me. I just closed my eyes and waited for the sun to come up, so i could see my Bella again.

I heard shuffling around me and then felt the bed dip. Bella’s scent hit me and Dom howled in joy. I opened my eyes and saw bella laying besides me. I placed the pillow behind her head and she jumped a little.

“Your still awake?” She asked in a whisper.

“Couldn’t​ sleep without you” i said sincerely.

“Aw me too. Come here!” She said and opened her arms. I din’t think twice before snuggling to her. Having her in my arms felt so right. It felt natural.

I burried my face between her neck and shoulder and breathed in her scent. She felt her doing the same.

“Why are you awake?” I asked and flipped us over so that she laid on top of me.

“Same reason. Now sleep, goodnight” she yawned adorably and kissed my cheek. Her face burried in my chest and she was out like a light.

I smiled and kissed her head. I could finally get some sleep now.

“I love you baby”

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