The Twin Alphas Warrior Luna (RYN)

Chapter 5


As I stormed towards Bessie, I curled my fingers into lists, feeling that familiar anger brew within me like hot water. I noticed the closer I got, the sharper Bessie's smile became and I could see her muscles tighten as her friends moved into strategic positions: Was this not a trap? 1 thought to myself Still, I couldn't just walk away from Sadie, not when she was crying helplessly under Bessie's merciless grip making my heart ache for her. I came to a stop just a feet from the spoiled brat, so close I could perceive her s**d cherry blossom perfume. By now, the entire I cafeteria had gone quiet as if the whole world had stopped to hold their breath.


"Let her go" I said quietly, taking deep breaths to calm my body from shaking from anger. Bessie's forest green eyes narrowed. "And why would I do that, Ryn" She deadpanned.

"Because I asked r

I breathed.

Bessie glanced at her friends before bursting into laughter. "Wow. Miss Elite Warrior is getting super ****** these days. First it was hospitalizing my boyfriend, and now it's threatening me. Her mocking smile faded. "Have you forgotten that engaging in fights is against school policy? And if And if you lay a hand on me, I'll have my dad kick your poor, dusty **** out of this school and inform the Princes of your behaviour!" Wasn't t that what she wanted?

I took another deep breath, repressing my wolf. "I don't want to fight, okay? Just let her go."

Bessie's eyes went vacant like she was thinking about what I said "You know what? I'll let her go, on one condition." I her warily. "What condition?"


Bessie's lips widened. "I heard my boyfriend's wish was for you to kiss his shoes and beg before you put him in a d***n coma: Well, as his loyal girlfriend," she flicked one side of her blonde hair back, "I want to finish what he started." "Excuse me? I blinked.

"These shoes were bought for me by Howard. She went on like she didn't hear me. "Say please and kiss these shoes and I'll let her go." My heart began to race again, this time in fear as her friends brought out their phones to record with glee. More schoolmates had left their seats to form a crowd around us and even some had begun to chant, 'Kiss her shoes!" to pressure me. I glanced at Sadie and found her shaking her ead at me, silently begging me not to do it for her. My hand found the pendant around my neck and fiddled with it. I have never begged for anything in my life. Could I still possibly walk away now? Was my dignity and my future more important than saving Sadie? An unpleasant shiver ran up my spine. Doing this would be the most humiliating thing I have ever done and as I stared into one of the many cameras aimed at me, I knew it would live on forever. "Okay! Okay!" I said and with tears burning the back of my eyes, I slowly sank to my knees, earning a collective, 'oool from the crowd. My face burned with shame but I kept reminding myself that I was doing this for the sake of my future and a clear conscience locked eyes with the ginger haired girl and she mouthed the words, Tm sorry to me.

"Well?" Bessie raised a brow, showing her impatience and to make a point, she gripped Sadie's hair tighter making the girl cry out in pairi

In return I gave her a smile before looking up at Bessie, summoning my worst glare.



It was time to beg.

Gode What have I done to deserve this!

Taking a deep breath, 1 sighed. The longer I stay here, the worse it gets for me so I opened my mouth, and summoned the courage to say the word "Please"


It came out quiet but loud enough so I wouldn't be asked to repeat myself and 1 was glad Bessie didn't ask me to. Now it was time to kiss her shoes and at this pont, I felt like an inmate about to serve their death sentence. Closing my eyes, I felt body bend over till my lips touched her shoe. Time seemed to stop in that moment, then the whole room erupted in a chaos of laughter and murmurs and mockery so much that a dam of tears broke within me but I held them in. I will not cry in front of these people. I won't give them that satisfaction.


Now that I was done. I was about to raise myself up when I heard Bessie spit and then I felt the weight of her insult land on my head. I froze, just as the room went silent. Someone gasped and then I heard Sadie's voice. "You didn't have to do that!" "Shut up, b****h" What happened next was entirely out of my control.



had I raised my head just in time to see Bessie raise her hand again to hit Sadie and that made me very mad. In a flash, I was up and I gripped her wrist before her hand could land. Bessie's angry eyes suddenly widened in surprise. "You really shouldn't have done that." I said before smacking her hard across the face. "Oooooh "People gasped and I winced just as a splatter of blood flew from her mouth at the impact and that satisfied me greatly. Bessie's eyes widened more in shock as she touched her mouth and saw the blood on her hand. "You slapped me?!" She bellowed, and and tried to hit me with her other hand but I held that too and gave her a head butt instead. Another booooh erupted from the crowd as I heard a soft crack and when I pulled back, I found Bessie's nose gushing blood. "That's for hurting Sadie." ." I said, and this is for being such a pain in my a***!" I stepped back and kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying through the air before landing on her butt. Bessie rolled over and clutched her stomach, her face etched in pain. I turned to her friends who were still filming and dared them with my eyes to come forward. Instead, they shifted back and ran to help Bessie up. Sadie scurried from the ground and grabbed my hand urgently: "Come, let's get out of here!" 1 hesitated because I was furious and I just wanted to hurt them all but they were no longer a threat to me so I listened to Sadie and turned to leave but then we stopped in our tracks. Coming right in front of us was Mr. Jonathan Crow, the principal of the school. He was a big, beefy man a balding head and a blonde goatee. "What going on here!" He bellowed and everyone immediately scrambled back to their seats - everyone except myself Sadie. Bessie and her friends. Principal Crow looked behind me and his eyes went round. "Good gods! Pumpkin!" The man ran past us and I turned What is around just in time to see him fall to his knees and cradle his daughter to himself.


Bessie was a mess of of snot and blood, gripping her stomach while groaning. "What the hell happened?!" Her father asked and her friends pointed at me. In just a few sentences, I was labelled as the instigator, attacking Bessie for no reason. "That's not true!" I started to say but Principal Crow's face was already twisted in anger.

That's it, Ryn" He growled. "You are no longer welcome in this school!"noveldrama

My heart stuttered in fear as the weight of his words settled on me. "Please, Mr. Crow, you have to hear my s Mory

"What side?!" He retorted. "Your Alplaa told say been expelled!"

side of the

you were

trouble and now I see it! Pack your bags and brave, Byn. You've





I stood distraught, feeling that dam of tears again breaking through my barrier and when my eyes met Bessie's, I saw the smug smile on her lips as her father fussed over her. Her plan had worked and I had lost. With that realization, I ran out of the cafeteria as I cried. This was the worst day of my life.

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