The Twin Alphas Warrior Luna (RYN)

Chapter 38


I sized her up as we circled each other, looking for any form of weaknesses but I found none. Chelsea did the same and I wondered if she saw any weakness in me. One thing's for sure, she definitely knows I don't have my wolf yet and might use it against me. According to what we learnt in class, if you're at a disadvantage, your aim is to get your opponent to make the first move so you can have more leverage. I stopped circling and faced her. "You're going to come at me or what?"

Chelsea shook her head once. "Nah, you come to me

I huffed in mockery. "Now you're just boring me. I guess I can see why Theon didn't go all the way with you."

Her yellow eyes glowed brighter as she bared her sharp razor teeth at me. "Shut up! You don't know anything about us!"

"Awww, really?" I pouted my lips and gave her my most sympathetic look. "Cause I know***n well you just don't have what it takes to be his girl"

Chelsea's face contorted in anger as she came for me and I was barely able to stand my ground, before she came with blows. I dodged as many as I could but because I didn't have my speed and she was on her wolf, her punch eventually got me and it felt like being hit with cement.


1 staggered back, my eyes watering, That Really, Hurt

From the comer of my eyes, she tried to punch me again and I dodged that one but failed to see her immediate backflip and kick. Her foot hit my face, sending me straight for the ground. Pain lanced through my entire system and I immediately became weak as hell. She stood I over me, beaming with pride before raising her leg to stomp on me.

I rolled out of

of the way, before rising to my knees just in time to block another kick aimed for my throat. The force of her attack sent me somersaulting backwards but I was able to get to my feet in time to dodge another blow. This time, I was able to hit her in the face and get a good j I jab o at her ribs but I might as well have been punching a duffel bag.

My huts were weak and Chelsea acted like she didn't feel anything at all. While still stunned at that, Chelsea was able to grab my throat and before I knew it, a terrible pain erupted in my side.

"I may not have what it takes to make him mine." She said to me "but you certainly don't have it either."

Shocked, I looked down to see her claws dug deep into my side and when I looked up, Chelsea had the utmost look of satisfaction on her face. "If I can't have him, Ryn, you definitely won't." She said. Now I was mad.

Without hesitating, I put two of my **h!" She screamed, letting me go and I fell to my knees as pain coursed through me. I looked at my wound and realized I wasn't healing fast enough, so I removed my top and tied it around my wound to apply pressure. Chebea was still dealing with the pain in her eyes when I gave her an uppercut on the chin

She staggered backwards just in time for me to round kick her in the chest, making her fall backwards. Breathless, I watched her roll on her tummy and try to get up but I knelt on her back, forcing her back down and pulled her hair so high, her head was raised off the ground. "I should kill you," I whispered in her ear, right here, right now but I won't. Whatever happened between you and Theon is none of my business, so keep me out of it!"

left her on the ground and walked away but I didn't get very far before I saw a Greyhound wolf turn towards me like a

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predator sighting prey. Oh gods no.

Ir snarled and I took a step back with my heart hammering like crazy. I looked around for Theon but I found him, several feet ahead in the midst of about a dozen wolves, fighting back. I took another step back, searching for a weapon, and from the corner of my eye to my left. I saw Chelsea rise to her feet

Now there was a half built fence blocking Chelsea from seeing the wolf in front of me so I was standing at a right angle where I could see them both but they could not see each other. How do I escape these two?

I took another step back just as the wolf prepared to pounce, and when I looked to my left, I saw Chelsea channel her wolf again, ready to come for me. My body began to tremble as I glanced Theon's way again but found him surrounded by more wolves biting and clawing at him. So I was on my own without my strength, speed or wolf. Is this the day I die?

I took one more step back, making calculations in my mind. Then I stood my ground just as the wolf began to run my way and Chelsea did as well. Two feet closer, and the only thing I could hear was the hammering of my heart. If my calculation goes wrong-by a fraction, I could end up very dead. Tears spilled out of my eyes as Chelsea and the wolf closed in on me. The wolf leapt into the air, its mouth open reveal dangerous fangs meant to bite me and to my left Chelsea blinded by rage had her claws out ready to strike. wide, to At the last

the last minute, I moved out of the way and when the wolf pounced, Chelsea ran right into its mouth. I, on the other hand, landed on my side and cried out in pain just as I witnessed the wolf bite through Chelsea's body and drag her viciously in the sand.

By the time it realized that it got the wrong person, I was trying to get to my feet and at least find a place to hide, Gripping my side, I stumbled to my feet, and looked around for where to hide but all around me was chaos, Wolves killing wolves. Limbs strewn everywhere. ! I became surrounded with blood, sand and death with no place to hide. To my horror, about three more Greyhound wolves found me and then the one who killed Chelsea joined them, making four.

I slowly took a step back as they formed a semi-circle around me and began to approach. My breaths came out in pants as pure fear siezed me. My powers still weren't back so I was at a very terrible disadvantage.

Should I shout for Theon or should I just shout for help? And what would that say of me as the first female Elite?

No. 11 I have to figure out a way out of this. I've survived this long by myself and I'm not about to give up now.


took another step back and my feet bumped into something. Looking down, I almost fainted in relief when I saw my gun. Picking it up from the ground, I pointed it at the wolves and the moment they saw I had a weapon, they leapt for me. I-shot one in the eye and another in the face. When another jumped for me, I jumped out of the way and tears spilled out of my eyes when I hit that same spot Chelsea wounded me on the ground. Without having time to feel, I pulled the trigger at the third wolf, but I missed its face and only wounded it on the front leg. It whined checking its bleeding paw before baring its teeth at me. Horrified, I pulled the trigger again but nothing happened this time and that's when I realized I was out of bullets.

Before I could get another set of bullets from my pocket, the two remaining wolves leapt for me. Panicked, I covered my head, anticipating the world of pain coming my way but it never came. Instead, I heard commotion, then the sounds of bones breaking and wolves whining and then silence.

That's when I opened my eyes, but when I saw the man standing before me, I couldn't believe my eyes.


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