Chapter 35
Chapter 35 RYN
1 smiled to myself as I bent forward to touch my toes while doing the split
For the first time in days, everything was going smoothly. Life in school was great, and I was now done with all papers, thanks to Prince Theon, who made school management give me my own time to write.
At first I was afraid that I would do poorly, but to my suprise all the questions were easy and I breezed through them before the time was up. Now that I thought about it, did Prince Theon have something to do with how easy my paper was? He better have not because I swear to the gods, I'd kick his ass!
Speaking of Prince Theon, I barely saw him around. In fact, the last time I saw him was the day he brought flowers for me at the hospital. It's been nine days since then and everyday I'd find a way to subtly ask Sadie if he was back from his trip. Does this mean I miss him? I shook my head. No, I don't. I'm just concerned for his well-being like a normal human being.
There's nothing wrong with that. Right?
I sighed as I stretched some more.
The door to the main entrance of the center opened and my eyes snapped to it, but I got disappointed when I saw it was some random guy with curly blonde hair dressed in black like a soldier.
Over the past few days, the walls of every training room had been broken down and replaced with glass and I knew it was because of what Coach Dutton did to me when he forced me to take the simulation. Now everywhere was open, and nothing anyone did was hidden The random guy didn't look much older than me but I noticed he was very handsome and had kind blue eyes like Prince Theon. Our eyes met through the glass and then he gave me the most heart-warming smile I had ever seen before walking away.
I found myself smiling too and immediately frowned.
Why was I smiling like that?
I let out a forceful breath before laying on my back. Someone else passed by but it was just a patrol guy. More guards were on patrol these days and had been tasked with preventing bullying from occurring as well.
The Princes really went all out to secure my stay here but what made me the most happy was when they unveiled the girl's locker room. It was everything I dreamed of with state of the art utilities. When some of the boys peeped in, they grumbled about how the girls' locke I found myself smiling.
Is this what it means to be Prince Theon's project? Cause I love it here and as long as I don't fall in love with him, i think I'll
be fine.
Shortly after, the door to the training room opened and in came Prince Miro and the blonde guy I had seen earlier. Immediately, we all scrambled to our feet and stood at attention,
"Gentlemen. Lady. I'm here to introduce your interim coach, Adam Blackwell."
Some guys began to howl and cheer and it was obvious most of the guys knew him from somewhere.
"Hey! Quiet!" Miro boomed and everyone settled into silence. "As I was saying. Adam is captain on the Elite Force Team and
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has volunteered to coach you guys until we can find a permanent person. So treat him with the same respect you'd accord me or you will face grave consequences." Prince Miro said and stepped back for Adam to speak. "Warriors, it's an honor to be your coach for the time being" He said and I was immediately mesmerized by his voice. It was deep and boyish at the same time and jeez! What did he say?
"Ill do my best to prepare you for what's coming ahead especially this new week. Something really cool is about to happen but I am not allowed to say what it is yet. But be on your toes, if you need any help, feel free to reach out to me. In the meantime, I'd like to know you
We immediately obeyed and due to excitement, I let the guys lineup and went to stay at their backs. I watched other say their names and shake his hand so when it was my turn, I pushed back my shoulders, and shook his hand firmly.
"Ryn Ashmore." I said seriously but on the inside, I almost melted at his touch.
"Ahhh. The first female Elite ever. It's an honor."
And that's it. I smiled, revealing all my teeth, which in turn made him smile.
"My pleasure." I beamed and then I felt the heat of someone's stare on me. A flicker to the left showed Prince Miro glaring at me with a raised brow. My smile faded and I quickly retracted my hand. "Nice to meet you once again." I nodded and walked away
My heart was a beating mess and even when I went to grab my things and sit in a corner. I still found Miro's eyes flickering to me as he had a discussion with Adam. I seriously hope he's not threatening the poor guy.
Light Now I know why he's not Sadie's favourite.
Shortly after, he left and Adam once again faced us. I tried to check his demeanor to see if he looks offended or not but he seemed alright.
"Alright, listen up." He said, drawing our attention. Someone said something that made him smile and I realized he had dimples. His eyes cut to me and I immediately looked again.
Shit! I hope he doesn't think I like him or something. I glanced his way and found him speaking to someone else so I breathed a sigh of relief. Okay, so no more glances at the new boy. Focus! Otherwise, Prince Miro will have my head.
"Alright, once again listen up. Adam said. "This week, we will be learning about mutants, their history, how to spot to them and most importantly how to fight them."
I frowned and raised my hand. Adam saw me immediately. "Yes, Miss Ashmore."
"You said, how to spot them? I mean aren't they easy to spot?"
"Yes and No. If they are in their beast form, yes, but mutants can transform back to their human form and look just like anyone else."
"Oh. I definitely didn't know that."
"Now, you do
I thought about the beast I encountered earlier on school grounds. What if he was a person who snuck in just like me before tranforming into a beast? What if he still recognises me?
I thought about these questions as I exited the training room after we were done for the day.
I turned around and found Adam approaching me.
"Hi" I said, readjusting my bag over my shoulder.
"I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything. I am here for you. Especially if you're being bothered, please feel
free to come to me
Then he gave a little ware before walking way I rammed and was going to take another step when I felt eyes on me again. Imoking around. Irrolid see anyone. Then looked up and foul Miro glaring down at me from upstairs.
The moment our eyes me, he stepped away from the banister. Bolded his arms behind him and walked away.
I breath
Weirdo I muttered under my he
"Hemison Miro's voice et hoed back to prin
Startled, I hurried to my loker and when I opened it, I was instantly hit with the smell of something amazing Something 1 haven') xeneli before. Inude my locker was a tupperware filled with food which I'm guessing brought this amazing scent.
Ever since Prince Theon went on a trip, Miro had been bringing meals under the excuse of cooking to murh and not wanting to wand Then it became a game of guessing the names of new dishes. Sometimes I got the names, most times I didn't but it had become something Then my phone buzzed and when I saw it was a text message from Prince Miro, a different smile curled my lips
"Tell the Ryn, how is it that you've been eating my cooking for most a week now and I never get a mile from you but all it sakes is seeing a blonde boy with curls and dimples and your smile is enough to light a city?" CHAPTER 28
1 heard my face and ears. He thanks my smile can light up a city?
I decided to arply "Thank you for the meal your Highness. Here is the smile you asked for." Then I added a unile emoji at
His reply came almal munediately with an eye roll emo
Achuckle bubbled on of sue and I covered my mouth to stop innoveldrama
"Anyway here's a pre do you havtaled yes. Try to guess the naine. Of course, you're forbidden from sharing it with any in asking for help Hum Theater as the ce mayor things you taste. Get it right, and you get a gift. Get it wrong your named to smic at blive ges for thecays Co
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"Winter" he replied "Happy tasting row your favorite the demons
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lence of the other end and I dropped my phone to take a shower. When I came back, I found a reply from him.
There was silence
Tasted other people, you say?"
I swallowed as my face heated up again. "Food." I replied. "Tasted other people's food."
"Cool. Oh and uhm, you haven't returned the tupperware for the last dish, and the one before that. I believe my tupperwares miss me very much."
I snorted and shook my head before leaving the training center. It was late evening by the time I stepped out and I loved the feel of the cool weather
without the sun. My plan was to walk half a mile to the nearest bus stop and hopefully meet the seven p.m bus going my way.
I thought about my life after high school and how graduation was coming up real soon. Aside from the money I kept aside for a new apartment. I was fast running out of money to do other things.
"I need a job" I whispered to myself. I can't keep relying on handouts from the Windermere Princes because one day, it's all going to stop. I know Miro is talking and cooking for me because he's bored without his brother. I'm sure once his brother comes back, he'll stop coo A car pulled up beside me and when I looked at the driver, I realized it was Adam.
"Hey. He said, giving me that winning smile again.
""Hi" I smiled.
Where are you going?"
"Home? Trying to get to the nearest bustop."
""Let me drop you."
I suddenly became wary of him. "Uhm. No. Thanks." I said, and began to walk.
Adam drove forward and slowly moved beside me. "Come on, Ryn. I don't bite."
"Why are you being nice to me?" I blurted out and stopped in my tracks. "Just because I smiled at you and we shook hands doesn't mean I have feelings for you or I'm fangirling or I am interested in anything else."
He raised his brows, taken aback. "Okay, and?"
I blinked, suddenly fumbling for words. "And that's it. I don't want trouble. Whatever games you're playing, I-I'm not
A hint of a smile crossed his lips. "I totally understand, Ryn. I just want to take you home and if not home, then at least the nearest bus stop. That's it. It's not okay for you to be walking this road alone."
I stared at him for a moment, hoping to see any form of malicious intent but I found none. Maybe I was searching for a Coach Dutton in him. "Okay," I said, before going around the car to enter the passenger side. Once in, I hooked in the safety belt and clutched my bag to "So, Ryn Ashmore," He said, "are your parents by any chance Jake and Rosa?"
My eyes widened as I turned to him. "Yes. You know them?"
Adam smiled. "Yea. They were friends with my parents before..te hesitated, "their demise. I'm sorry for your loss."
"Thanks." I gave him a small smile, while touching my pendant.
"You don't remember me, do you?"
I frowned, racking my memory. I slowly shook my head.
Adam shrugged. "Well, you were really young back then but I remember you as the girl with the black ribbon in her hair and the missing tooth on the front."
I smiled because I vaguely remembered wearing black ribbons in my hair. I just never liked the colorful ones. "I'm sorry I don't remember you."
"Ehhh. Adam shrugged. "It's fine. What matters is that I found you again." He smiled at me before facing the road and I wondered what that meant. Found me again?
We got to the bus stop and luckily for me, the seven p.m bus was still there.
"Or I could just drive you home." He said.
"Nah. But thank you." I smiled at him.
I got our of his car and waved once more before entering the bus and taking a seat near a window. I watched his car drive off and I kept wondering what he meant by finding me again. Was he looking for me? Did we used to be friends?
I tried to search my memory for friends of my parents by the name Blackwell, but I really couldn't remember. I decided when I got home, I would research them. Thankfully, the
room I was given was more like an apartment than a regular dormitory, so it had its own separate gate but was still linked to the school. A few minutes away from the gate, I received a
Checking the caller ID, I rolled my eyes while a small smile bloomed on my lips,
"Your Highness."
"Home yet?" Miro asked.
"Going through the gates now. Why?"
"Nothing. Just making sure you got home safe."
"Are you sure everything is okay?"
"Yea, why won't it be?"
"Because maybe you miss your brother and you're lonely?"
"I'm not lonely. I have friends."
"Name them."
"If I did, you won't even know them or I could make up names and you would be none the wiser.
"Yea. You're right." I paused. "You should go out and have fun though."
"Yea I should but i am starting to not like that life anymore. So 11 figure out what other things I can do for fun." "Sounds like a great plan, your Highness."
We ended our conversation and I began to fish keys out of my bag when my phone buzzed again.
Without looking. I picked the call. "Seriously, you need friends said, wedging the phone between my ear and shoulder.
1 paused, holding the phone properly with my hand to my ear. "Who is this?"
"It's me, Maggie"
I paused. "From Club Zero?"
"Oh wow. How have you been?"
"Terrible. Please, I need your help.
I suddenly took note of the distress in her voice, "What's wrong. Maggie?"
"Can you meet me at Peterson Close?"
I suddenly became wary. "Maggie, it's really late. Tell me what's wrong first?"
wanted. So
"Okay I went out with this guy and he left me stranded on the side of the road because I wouldn't do what he since I heard you were like a fighter or something, I was hoping you'd be able to keep me company while I find a ride. I'm so alone and cold out here"
Isighed. "Fine. I'll be on my way." I said and turned towards the gate but before I left the vicinity of the dorm, I sent a quick text to Prince Miro, detailing my whereabouts. Since Peterson Close was like five minutes away, I decided to take a brisk
Immediately I got to the close, I saw Maggie standing on the other side, waving to me. I waved back and after carefully checking the road, I crossed to the other side.
"Hey." I greeted with a smile,
"Hey." Maggie replied with a frown but before I could figure out what was wrong, someone covered my mouth from behind. While struggling, a sharp object was injected in my neck and that's when I succumbed to darkness.
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