The Tiger Prince's Witch

Chapter 21 - The Flame

Anna led Kamryn to the ceremonial clearing. It was a large open space surrounded by many trees making a perfect circle. In the middle was an enormous fire pit surrounded by black stones. Kamryn looked in amazement as he saw a bright blue flame.

"That is the flame of unity. When we mark each other, it will grow until it looks like it's touching the sky. We draw our energy from the four elements earth, water, air, and fire. When those four elements come together, our power is at its strongest. That's why we have our ceremonies here." Anna looked around as she spoke. In this spot, all the elements could be felt.

"I honestly don't know much about your coven other than it's the most powerful one in the world. I also know that you're the most powerful witch because your mother and father are fated mates from this coven." Kamryn smiled down at her as they walked through the snow barefoot. He couldn't feel it because he was a weretiger and had natural heat. Anna couldn't feel it because, as a witch, hot and cold didn't affect her.

"That's what I've been told my whole life, but I don't feel any different than the other witches. I always learned the spells and teachings faster than the others, but I thought that was because my parents were the teachers. Do you know how our marking will be different than the usual ones?" Anna asked, looking up at him with a smile as they approached the fire pit.

"Not really, other than I bite you while you place a binding spell on me." She nodded.

"I'll start the spell first. I don't know exactly what you'll feel, but you'll know when it's the right time to bite me. Are you ready?" The wind was blowing around them, stirring up some of the snow. It made Anna's dress billow around her, making her look like an illusion.

"Yes, I'm ready." Kamryn stared at his mate as she closed her eyes and raised her hands toward the blue flame. He watched, mesmerized, as the flame seemed to respond to Anna like it was reaching for her.

"Flame of unity bind us together. Make us one with the earth, water, air, and fire. Bind us for all eternity in this life and the next. Make us one heart, soul, and mind. My pain and happiness will be his pain and happiness. His pain and happiness will be my pain and happiness. Our love will bind us together, making us whole."

As Anna repeated the chant, Kamryn felt himself being pulled to her. As she began the chant for the fourth time, his fangs came out. He took her in his arms and bit the sweet spot just above her collarbone. He felt the heat of the flame as it danced higher and higher in the sky.

When Kamryn's fangs bit her, Anna had an out-of-body experience. She felt like she was floating above the earth as the blue flame surrounded them, binding them together. She continued chanting as her body heated to burning, and she could feel Kamryn become part of her. She felt his love for her as though it was her own. Anna clung to him as he withdrew his fangs. She stopped chanting and looked into his eyes. She never expected the bond would be so powerful.

They looked toward the blue flame that was so high they couldn't see where it stopped. The entire area was filled with a blue light making it feel eerie even though it was only early afternoon.

Suddenly the flame turned multi-colored like a rainbow. Anna and Kamryn watched in astonishment as the flame got wider with streaks of red, yellow, orange, blue, purple, and green. It started swirling around like a tornado and then came toward the couple, wrapping itself around them. All they could see was the colorful flames and each other. It stopped just as quickly as it started, and Kamryn looked at Anna wide-eyed. He noticed she looked pale. "What was that?" He asked her softly.

"That was the flames of love, strength, prosperity, unity, longevity, and prosperity coming together. They only do that when a couple needs the extra power to fight. It tells me that whatever is coming for us isn't going to be easy to beat. Legend was named Legend for a reason. He's a rare tiger. Now that we're mated, you and Legend will also have unique powers. We should know what they are soon." Anna looked toward Kamryn and took his hand in hers. "We will fight this fight together. We will be strongest as a couple. Whatever happens, we can't be separated." Anna spoke in a whisper as she tried not to let the fear coursing through her body take over.

"Nothing will take me from your side." Kamryn leaned down to kiss her. Now that they had marked each other, the electricity from their kiss seemed like it pulled them to each other like magnets. When they pulled apart, they were both breathless.

"Let's talk to my parents, and then you and I have some mating to take care of." She led him toward the small opening in the trees that led to the houses. As they came out of the trees, it seemed everyone in the coven was there waiting for them, staring in disbelief. Caprice and Stanley were in front of the crowd and walked toward the couple with worried expressions.

"Anna, we saw the rainbow flames. Are you alright?" Caprice hugged her daughter and then backed up. The energy she felt from her was overwhelming. She noticed Anna's gray eyes had different colors floating in them now. She looked at Kamryn, and his amber eyes also had colors floating in them.

"Yes, we're okay, but you know what this means. Whatever is after us is powerful and will be hard to beat. I explained what the rainbow flame signifies to Kamryn and that he and Legend will also have powers." Caprice and Stanely stared at the two in front of them, who was taking this news well. None of them had seen the rainbow flame in their lifetime. Everyone had been watching for the blue flame, and it was quite a sight when they saw the rainbow flame.

"Today, you celebrate your mating; tomorrow, we'll begin preparing for whatever is to come. I'll call Randal and give him an update. Elsie will be here tomorrow, and he said Micah is traveling with her. He's not ready to let go of his mate, but I fear she's too far gone to do anything other than hurt him." Stanley felt terrible for the young man he had yet to meet. He was hoping when he arrived, Kamryn and Anna could help him reject Elsie so he could move on.

"I already have a plan for her. I think a taste of her own medicine will do her good. Right now, I'm taking Kamryn inside so we can enjoy this day." Anna pulled Kamryn behind her as everyone watched. The other witches looked at each other. They had all remained silent while Anna talked to her parents. The energy radiating off the newly marked couple was intimidating to them all. They had felt like falling to their knees to bow to them. Where was that powerful energy coming from?

When Anna and Kamryn got to their room, they carefully removed their clothes and hung them in the closet. When Anna looked into Kamryn's eyes, she noticed the colors swirling in them.

"Your eyes look different." She said as she stared at the beautiful colors. Kamryn studied her eyes and saw the same.

"Yours do, too, like all the colors of the flame." He said in disbelief.

Legend inside of him had been quiet throughout the marking. He was feeling strange, as though something was happening to him. He laid down and decided to let the changes occur. "Make love to me." She said as she ran her hands over his warm body. Kamryn leaned down and kissed her sliding his tongue into her open mouth.

Anna pulled him to the bed, not breaking their kiss for a second. She laid down and tugged his hand, wanting him to get on top of her, but he shook his head. He had other plans for his mate that wouldn't be rushed. He lay next to her and kissed her while running his hand down her torso.

As Kamryn rubbed his hand over her body, Anna felt like she was on fire. He was kissing her so passionately that it was making her wet. When he cupped one of her breasts and played with the nipple, she arched her back, wanting more. He pulled away from her lips to suck on her hard nipple. She moaned as his warm mouth sucked and his tongue flicked over it.

When his hand slid down between her legs and found her wetness, she spread her legs, begging for more. Kamryn slid a finger into the source of her heat while using his thumb to play with her little bud. Anna was aching for more. She was ready to go out of her mind.

"Please, I need you. Let me feel you inside me." She begged him as he continued playing with her. Kamryn found her lips again, still working his hand between her legs. When he could tell she was almost there, he stopped. Before she knew what was going on, he had moved, and his mouth started where his hand had left off.

Anna arched her back and held his head in place as she sucked on her bud. She felt her legs begin to shake as he dipped his tongue deep inside her. Her whole body was trembling when she came, and she screamed his name. Her head was exploding like fireworks as she came down from the adrenaline rush. She looked down and saw him still licking everything coming out of her, and it almost made her come again. "That was pretty powerful," Kamryn said as he lay beside her. She looked up at him with her eyes glazed over.

"Yes, it was." Anna pushed him over on his back and started kissing his chest and abdomen. As she moved lower, Kamryn tried to stop her.noveldrama

"You don't need to do that." He said as she began stroking him with her hand. She watched as he grew larger and larger. She looked at his face as she ran her thumb over the head. "I know I don't have to, but I want to. You've tasted me; now I want to taste you." Before he could say anything more, she took the head of his penis in her mouth and began sucking. She continued stroking him with her hand as she sucked. When she heard his moans, she knew he was enjoying it. She pulled her mouth off him and used her tongue to lick him from the base all the way up to the head. She swirled her tongue around the head before pulling him back into her mouth. Kamryn thought he was going to go insane from the feel of Anna's mouth on him. When she kept pulling him in further and further, he knew he was ready to burst. He tried to drag her off him, but she refused to move. When he came, he felt her continuing to suck, and he shivered from the sensation. When she was done, she lay down with her chin on his chest, looking into his eyes.

"Did you like that, Mr. Tiger?" She asked while he tried to catch his breath.

"You could say that. Now I'm ready for dessert." He rolled her over onto her back and slid inside, where she was still dripping wet. They spent the rest of the day and part of the night making love until they were too exhausted to move. They wanted to enjoy this calm before the storm they knew was coming.

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