The Summer Moon

Chapter 96 -


My head pounded when I woke up, the room around me began spinning as I moved. I groaned rolling over, the soft surface beneath me adjusting to my body. Opening my eyes to see the flower printed walls I scrambled to my feet, I didn't know this place. Where was I? What happened? Ty. My head ached and I reached up to hold it, leaning back against the iron bed frame to balance myself as dizziness took over.

"Ty," I whimpered, calling out to him as I collapsed back onto the bed. The unusual silence in my mind was deafening, where is he? Where am I? What happened? I looked to the room around me, the walls covered with a tacky floral wall paper. The iron bed stood alone in the centre of the room, with only a single small dresser pressed into the corner of the room. Windowless, the room was dark and dimly like with a single lamp in the corner. How did I get here?

"You don't have to be afraid of me," the strangers words echoed in my mind as I thought back to the last thing I remembered before waking up. He had taken a step closer to me, but I didn't trust the look in his eyes. As I backed away from him I was caught by a sharp pain to the back of my head, and the whole room had gone black after that.

Moving slower this time so I didn't get dizzy, I made my way over to the bedroom door. Leaning against the wall to balance myself, I jiggled the door handle only to find it locked, and having seen enough action movies in my life I knew what this meant. I had been kidnapped. I wanted to scream, to break down this door but my body froze, hearing voices echo on the other side.noveldrama

"I just want my daughter back. I want her out of here safely and I don't want anyone following us," a chill ran down my spine hearing a voice I'd known my whole life. A voice that I'd come to fear as I met another side of her entirely. Mom. More unanswered questions filled my mind, consumed by my fear of why she was here and what exactly she was trying to take me away from. Was she here to rescue me? Or was she the one that had me kidnapped in the first place? My wolf was quiet in my mind, reminding me of the time before I had her, as if she wasn't there at all. Ty. My heart ached for him, wondering where he was right now and why he was so quiet. Was he okay? The last I had heard from him was just before he arrived at the Dark moon pack. Had their been a battle? Was anyone hurt? Was Ty hurt? Why couldn't I hear him? Why couldn't I feel him?

My head began to spin again as my anxiety built, I had to get out of here. I jumped up from the bed once more, looking around the room to search for an exit plan. With no windows, my only option was this door, and who knows what was going to be waiting for me on the other side of it. With the limited fighting skills that Liam had taught me in my short time training, I was doubtful I would even stand a chance against one wolf, never mind a whole pack of them. "Well you can't leave yet, their bond is only contained as long as she is here," I heard his voice come through the walls, hearing it clearly even from my bed. That same voice that belonged to the man who said I could trust him, the liar, suddenly giving me the answer to the silence in my mind. I couldn't feel Ty because this man was interfering with our bond. "Can I get an update on Tyrese?" He asked next and I felt my heart skip in my chest. I crawled over to the door, pressing my ear against it.

"He's returned, he knows she's missing," Another voice replied, making my heart jump once more. Ty was okay, and he would find me. I had faith in this, he wouldn't let me go.

"Good, he needs to be distracted for what comes next. Without his mate he'll be weak and his thoughts will be so consumed with her he won't even see us coming," my heart sank with this, Ty was in danger. He was still the target. I had to get through to him, I had to concentrate. I had to warn him.

Slamming my eyes shut I tried to reach out to him once, only to be quickly broken from my concentration as the door in front of me creaked open. My eyes flashed open only to meet my mother's wild eyes. Her make up smudged like she had been crying, her hair was messier than I had ever seen it before. "You're up," she whispered, grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. I shook her off, jumping back. What was she doing here? "I'm not going to hurt you," she whispered taking a step closer. Her hand came to rest on my cheek in the same comforting way it used to when I was a kid. But I knew better now, I had heard that line before. I shook her off of me once more, backing away so my back pressed against the wall.

"You want to hurt him," I spat back, anger blazing through me but my mother's stern eyes locked on me. Another threatening step closer and her face was only inches from mine.

"Listen to me," her voice came out hushed, quiet enough that I could hardly hear her speak if it weren't for her moving lips. "You are in more danger right now then you know. We are going to get through this but you need to listen to me. You have to let it in, you have to feel it all Malia. Like Grandma used to say," she whispered, and the words tangled in my brain as I mulled over what she was saying.

"This is what is best, I can't let him find you," she said louder this time, gripping my arms and squeezing them enough that I knew they would be bruised for a moment. But as I looked up to her eyes, her left eye twitched and my heart pounded in my chest. My mother was a terrible liar, she had always been a terrible liar because the obvious twitching in her eyes always gave her away. And right now, I knew with every instinct, she was lying. She wanted Ty to find me. "Your bond is only contained within these walls,” she whispered then took a step back from me and left through the door. Leaving me alone once more I knocked my head against the wall behind me feeling its sturdiness behind me. If I had my wolf, these walls wouldn't stand a chance again me, but here I sat with the hands of a human once more, weak and unable to help myself. "You have to let it in, feel it all Malia," her words rang through my head once more. Feel what, what did she mean? All I could think about was Ty. "Like grandma used to say," I thought of next, but this made no sense. My mother had told me my whole life my grandmother was crazy, out of her mind. Why would she now want me to listen to her?

I slammed my head back against the wall once more, feeling it shake gently beneath my touch. Ty was probably worried out of his mind right now, if he was even okay after his meeting with the Dark Moon pack. "Ty," I called out to him in my mind, begging for a response. Please he has to say something, anything.

"Ty," I tried again. My mind flashing to the night he was injured, what if he was hurt again? He couldn't be. I needed him. I needed him more than I had ever needed anyone or anything.

"Ty," Again, silence. The tears flowed steady down my cheeks down, a sob taking over me. They were going to hurt him. It wasn't Winston, it was whoever this man was. They were after him and he wouldn't even see it coming. They were going to kill him.

"Ty," I screamed this time feeling my entire body tingle like electricity was pulsing through my veins. A loud crack sounded through the air that made me scramble to my feet as a crash followed, the wall across from me crumbled beneath the heavy branch of a tree. The gap it created just big enough for me to squeeze through, the exit route I needed appearing in clean sight. As if my feet were on fire I was climbing onto the tree and looking outside to see a clear 8 foot drop outside.

The fresh air hit me like a wave, the rain pouring down and soaking me instantly. I turned up to the sky briefly, watching as the clouds rolled over each other, the storm intensifying with each passing second. Taking it step by step and clinging on for my life I began to climb down the tree that leaned against the house. A crash came from the bedroom and I let go of the branches, quickly sliding to the ground and falling onto my back. Pain shot through me but I had to keep moving. Get up Malia, I begged of myself as I looked up to see the same man from yesterday now looking down at me through the broken wall. His eyes wide as he looked between me then up to the sky. His eyes turned dark in an instant and I scrambled to my feet, using all my strength to run towards the trees. My feet slid across the wet grass but I pushed myself faster, knowing all too well that without my wolf he would catch me in only a matter of minutes. Then a rush of warmth took over me, hearing in my ears a heart beat come in time with my own. His voice rushing over me like the adrenaline that coursed through my veins, giving me strength to push my legs harder. "Lia," he gasped and I felt his bones shift, his wolf hit the ground and each foot step hit the ground faster than the last. Ty was coming.

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