The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 0983

Jackson grins.

"Are you ready for all of this?" Dominic asks, his eyebrows knitting together with worry.

Jackson's smile falls. “Ready for what?"

"For...this," Dominic says, waving around to the ridiculous closet and all that it implies. "Fatherhood to three kids. A life as a member of the Royal family, a national figure, a political entity unto yourself. The Princess's consort. As the father to Princes and Princesses. It is...not a simple life, Jackson."

Jackson clenches his jaw and looks down into his drink, truly considering it. Inwardly Dominic's powerful wolf shakes out his fur, quite pleased with his new son-in-law, pleased that he takes the time to consider the question instead of just blurting out whatever it is he thinks Dominic wants to hear.

"I'm ready for it," Jackson says quietly. "Or, if there are ways that I'm not...I know she'll help me. If this is what life with Ariel and these children is, then I'm ready for it."

"Good man," Dominic says, putting his drink down and opening his arms to Jackson. Jackson goes a bit still, not knowing what to do, which just makes Dominic laugh as he steps forward and wraps Jackson up in a hug.

Jackson's eyes fly wide as Dominic presses a kiss to the side of his head because...he's never, ever had a mark of affection like that from another man. From a father figure, at that.

"I'm proud to have you as the father of my grandchildren," Dominic murmurs, stepping back and keeping a hand cupped around the back of Jackson's head. "We love you, kid. I love you. We're so pleased to have you as part of the family. We'll help you however we can."

Jackson clears his throat and swallows hard, looking down into his drink, at once incredibly pleased at the words and simultaneously remarkably embarrassed at the tears that line his eyes.

Dominic just smiles, missing nothing, and pats Jacks on the back. "Come on, let's go back out there," he says on a sigh, guiding Jackson back towards the door. "Ella's probably torturing Ariel. Making her eat a vegetable for the sake of the children."noveldrama

"Ariel hates vegetables," Jackson murmurs, still a little dazed.

"Don't I know it," Dominic says on a sigh.

"Momm," I groan, holding a hand up and leaning away from her. "I don't want more pineapple - stop trying to force feed me!"

"It's for the babies!" mom snaps, mock-angry, laughing as she leans closer to me with a big piece of pineapple stabbed on the end of a fork. Isnarl and push her hand away just as a grape hits my head gasp and spin to glare at Jesse, who throws another.

"This, too, is for the children," Jesse says, grinning like the demon he is, pulling another off the stem and winding back his arm. Rafe and Marigold laugh, Goldie reaching for the grapes in Jesse's hands, wanting to join in.

We all quiet down and go a bit still as the bedroom door opens again, turning our worried eyes on Jackson and dad as they come out.

"Dad!" Marigold shouts, abandoning her quest for grapes and jumping off the couch, dashing towards her father. Jackson's face breaks into a smile as he bends down and scoops the little girl high up into his arms. She laughs and pats at his face with her hands, grinning at him, clearly delighted.

"Glad to see you're in one piece, Jacks," Rafe says, leaning back against the couch.

Jackson just smiles at my brother and then turns his eyes to me, his gaze warm and loving and proud and happy. My face breaks into a smile so big my cheeks ache.

"Okay, I've waited long enough!"

Mom says, waving her speared

pineapple victoriously over her head.

"Now that you're both here are you finally going to put me out of my misery and just tell me already? Please, please don't be withholding and make us wait for the birth in the name of some kind of horrible surprise –“

"Wait, what?" Jackson asks, his face twisting with confusion as he moves to me and perches on the edge of my armchair, his hand moving to my back, starting to move in slow and steady circles.

"Don't you toy with me, son-in-law,” mom snarls, narrowing her eyes and pointing the pineapple at his face. "Information! Now!"

"What are you talking about, Ella?" dad asks, laughing at her and stepping close, wrapping one arm around her waist from behind as his other hand reaches up and curls around her wrist, forcing her to lower her weapon.

"They're being cruel, Dominic!" mom whines, looking up at him all pouty, making me laugh. "They're keeping the babies' genders secret!"

I gasp, my eyes flying wide because I didn't even think of that!

God, what kind of mother am I, that I didn't even think to consider whether I'm having boys or girls or one of each!?

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