The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 29



She was beautiful. A goddess. Even dressed in a simple maxi dress, with her hair loose down her back, I had never seen somebody as pretty as her. She was a natural beauty and I could feel myself becoming aroused as we went through the motions, speaking the words that would bind us together as man and wife. I should have been more concerned about tying myself to a woman for the next few years, even if it was a contract marriage, but Flair's presence soothed me. She felt like home. All I had to do was look at her and I could feel myself becoming relaxed, all my worries drifting away. It seems that some sentences in this chapter require you to read the complete chapters on Job ni in order to avoid an incomplete reading experience. We stopped at a restaurant for a celebratory breakfast with champagne. It wasn't anything overly fancy, but she seemed to enjoy it. Timothy was beaming at me, holding up a glass as he proposed a toast. "To Mr and Mrs Oakes," he said warmly as I glanced at my new bride who was flushing quite becomingly "I wish you every happiness in your future and that you find the love and happiness you have both been looking for with each other."

"Thank you, Timothy," my wife said sincerely, taking a sip from her champagne glass.

I nodded at my assistant, while Rachel took a sip of her glass. I snuck a look at my wife, not daring to believe she was mine.

Johnathon really was an i***t, letting a woman of this caliber go for a woman like Charlotte, I mused to myself, sipping at my champagne. Either the man was blind, or he was that desperate for money, he was willing to do whatever it took to get his greedy little hands on it. I leaned forward and touched Flair's hand, causing her to bite her lip and glance at me shyly. I smiled, enjoying her reaction.noveldrama

"You look beautiful Mrs Oakes" I complimented her "and I was rather hoping that we might manage to get you moved into our home by the end of business today?" I asked shrewdly.

She looked a little taken aback. Her friend's eyes were gleaming. "We can do that Flair," she said excitedly "it won't take long. You don't have that much stuff anyway. Especially since Johnathon..." she trailed off, looking away as Flair blushed.

"Especially since Johnathon...?" I prompted, glancing at my wife, who bit her lip and looked as though she wished Rachel had not said anything.

"Since Johnathon, the bastard, only let her take her clothes and jewelry with her," Rachel said snidely, while Flair stared uncomfortably at her hands.

"It doesn't matter" Flair whispered as I looked at her with anger in my eyes "all of the paintings and decorative things were his. He didn't like my taste" she explained hurriedly.

More like the bastard didn't let her decorate their home so she would be comfortable, I thought with anger. I fought to keep my expression calm and smiled pleasantly at my wife, who looked a bit surprised. "Well that's great," I told her warmly "because I'm actually seeking to redecorate the home and I think that as my wife, you should have a say in how it looks and feels. I want you to be comfortable in the home you are living in" I told her, watching her eyes begin to sparkle and a smile curve on her lips. "Really?" she asked with a slight stammer "because our tastes might be different and I don't want to overstep," she said, starting to slump in the chair.

Johnathon had really done a number on her self-esteem I thought studying her. Rachel looked annoyed on her friend's behalf and even Timothy looked slightly uncomfortable. I spoke up "Our tastes might differ but that's whats great about choosing colors and paintings together. It means I get to know more about you and you get to know more about me" I said nonchalantly "besides, you act as though it can't be changed later on. I think I will be surprised by what you come up with. My home is more masculine I'm afraid, but I'm sure you will bring some warmth and light to it."

She looked excited now. I squeezed her hand and she gave me a genuine smile that had my heart racing. Damn. If I thought I could hold back my feelings with her, then I was in for a shock. All I wanted to do was make this woman happy.

"I do have one request though Mrs Oakes," I said solemnly.

"Of course," she said nodding.

"No rainbows. Please. I can accept color but no rainbows" I complained and she burst into laughter as Rachel did the


Timothy looked at me in awe. He had never seen me act so carefree and look at ease.

"I can manage that," Flair said giggling as I let out a large dramatic exhale of relief.

Flair delicately cut into her toast. "I'm afraid there is one event that I'm unable to refuse to attend in the next few days and as my wife, you will be expected to attend also," I told her quietly as she glanced at me confused.

"Oh," she said with slight interest, Timothy leaning over to speak to Rachel who was nodding enthusiastically, "what event would that be?" she asked.

I winced. I knew this was not about to go over well but she needed to be prepared. I cleared my throat and sat back, eyeing her closely, hoping she didn't lose her composure.

"I'm afraid that we have to attend Johnathon and Charlotte Deluca's engagement party" I told her quickly. Silence. Flair's fork clattered as it fell onto her plate. I saw her face whiten. I swallowed hard. I was asking a great deal from her. I pinned my gaze on her. "It cannot be helped, but you are no longer a divorcee" I reminded her tersely as she gulped "and you are my wife and to be granted the same respect as I am. Johnathon will receive the divorce papers either later today or tomorrow" I continued as she stared at me "and you will no longer be under his control. I won't leave you to the vultures" I commented lightly "and you wanted your revenge on him, didn't you? This will be the perfect opportunity for you to announce your marriage to me" I said with a vicious grin. Flair was quiet for a moment. Rachel was excited. "Flair, it's brilliant. Oh god, I can't wait to see the look on that bastard's face when he realizes you're married already" she gushed, practically bouncing up and down on her chair while Timothy slowly nodded in agreement "it will do Johnathon some good to be taken down a peg or two. Remember when he said..." she trailed off and Flair shot her a sharp look, shaking her head. Too late. I was intrigued. "When he said what?" I drawled.

Flair blanched. Rachel was indignant "the bastard said that Flair would never find another man as good as him and that she was lucky to have him. That nobody else would ever give her a second look. Well now he's going to have to eat those words" she crowed. Son of a b***h. Johnathon was really up himself, wasn't he, I mused. Flair looked pissed off now. She straightened up. "You're right" she said to Rachel furiously "I'm going to turn up to that damn engagement party looking hot and with a gorgeous man on my arm" she declared heatedly.

I blinked and then gave her a lazy smile "you think I'm hot?"

"Well um, I mean" she stammered as I chuckled.

I sighed. "As much as I would love to spend more time with you gorgeous women," I said with a wink and a regretful look at my empty plate "there is unfortunately some work at the office that I cannot postpone or reschedule" I apologized "else I would have." Flair looked surprised by the apology "That's okay" she told me sincerely "thank you for the breakfast, Grayson."

I reached into my jacket pocket and withdrew the spare key to my home, handing it to Flair deliberately. "I believe you already know the security code," I said with a twist of my lips and a glance at my sheepish-looking assistant who avoided my gaze. Flair's lips turned up "I do," she said huskily.

I stared at those luscious lips of hers, begging to be kissed. I had gotten a mere sample earlier, but now I wanted more. I bent down and swiftly pressed my lips against hers, feeling the softness of, her lips eagerly pressing back against mine. It was heaven. I fought back the groan that wanted to erupt as I pulled away, Flair's eyes shining, her hand going unconsciously to her lip as she stared at me.

"I will see you tonight Mrs Oakes. Make yourself comfortable in our home. Don't cook dinner, we can order in tonight" I told her huskily, trying hard not to imagine what she would look like underneath her clothing and barely holding onto my composure. "Come along Timothy" I instructed my assistant, who swiftly rose and shook hands with my wife and Rachel. "Have a good day ladies" I said quietly, inclining my head and hastening my steps, my mind already going back to that kiss as I tried not to glance over my shoulder and look at my wife one more time. It was going to be a long day, I thought grimly, if I couldn't stop thinking about my new wife and what I wanted to do to her.

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