Chapter 34
Chapter 34
Chris finished the target of his day that day late. It's been one week since the reconciliation he had
been trying to balance work and family. Family, that word alone made him smile. He had a family, yes,
his Maya's and the only thing that was missing in that family was kids that looked like him or Maya.
If anything he wanted their daughters to look like their mother and sons to look like him but inherit their
mother's green eyes. And they they would be a complete family. A happy one since it would be a
football team players in that mansion.
Of he didn't need one kid or two at that matter like everyone else is doing out there. He wanted to be
like his ancestors. The one who thought that having many kids was counted to be rich. That's what he
wanted to be rich. Not in money wise but rich in heart.
Rich for having a full house and that would be possible if he won Maya up within less than seven
months now. He still loved Kimberly to be fair to himself and everyone around him. One doesn't fall out
of love within an over night but still he felt something different for Maya.
Something that could make them leave happily ever after if there was that. He didn't believe in that
himself. To him, it's just a way of avoiding to make a story long that it supposed to be and that happily
ever after is where true disasters occur. Come to think of it.
If there are ever after would people get divorced after getting married? Would a mother abandon their noveldrama
own flesh and blood? Would relatives treat each other like dirt or strangers? Would people bury their
loved ones because they were killed? That's why their wasn't happy after for him. He didn't believe in it
and neither was he going to do that.
Chris closed his book after going through it for the past ten minutes. He wanted everything to be
perfect for that day. The day that he would hand over the gift. He pushed his chair back and pulled his
coat away from his seat. He had less than twenty minutes to get home and make dinner like he has
been doing for the past one week. That's how he knew he would get time to spend with Maya.
His wife was always busy with her work and he if he didn't come up with ideas of how to spend time
with her then he would find seven months are over and they're getting a divorce. And he didn't want to
regret never giving it a try.
So that's why he made sure he did everything before six in his office and went home to get started with
the cooking. He still knew nothing about her favourite dessert. So he bought or prepared any dessert
that he knew apart from chocolate ice cream. Some of them she made disgusting face when she took
them in her mouth and others she had no reaction and when he asked she would only say they're okay.
As for the rest, she moaned the moment she took them in and that would bother him way too much and
also excite him at the same time. But none was her favourite or maybe she didn't want him to know yet.
Chris walked to the elevator and he thanked his luck stars that he had made it to the elevator without
running into Wesley. But that bubble was busted out when the elevator doors opened again and in
walked the devil that had then taken over his thoughts.
Of course Wesley being the best friend of the year, he had a mischievous grin but said nothing. And
Chris being Chris, he preferred to say nothing unless asked anything.
"So," of course he wouldn't have lasted that long. They're now walking on the lobby. "When are the
clothes going to be ready. Remember that we've only next week and we still have no measures to use."
Chris let out a breath that he had no idea that he was holding. He thought Wesley will go about his
daily bread of teasing him every chance he got. Telling him how much in love he was with the lass of
which was no true. Yes he was in love but with a different woman whom he hadn't see since the
incident that took place at the restaurant and he was happy. Was he being unfair?
"The couple said that they'll come in tomorrow." Chris said standing besides his jeep. "As well as the
maids of honour. But I'm done with different scratching which they'll chose from."
That's what he had been doing for the past one week and he was trying. It wasn't easy with a beautiful
woman in his mind but again she gave him inspiration. The ironic part was him calling her beautiful
when only few months ago he had called her ugly. The ugliest thing he had ever seen which was a lie
since he desired her the moment he set his eyes on her. That was a way to prove to himself that he
didn't need her. That he could function well without her but now he was seeing things more clearly.
Clearly to know that he feelings for her. Clearly enough for him to feel jealous of another guy who knew
everything about her when he knew nothing yet. And to add salt to the wound, he called her every
morning just to be the first one to say morning to her. And what pissed him more was that he still had
no her number and Wesley refused to give it to him. In fact, he wouldn't even let him touch his phone
thinking he is going to get it.
"I've to run," Wesley said walking to his car. "I've a date with this amazing girl I met the other day and to
be honest, I want to be laid. Go and cook for that love of mine but please, take her out once in a while,
who knows, she might be tired of eating that crap of yours."
Of course he was shouting for everyone around them to hear. Chris wanted to say something back but
Wesley was already driving out of the parking lot. Maya loved his food. She moaned it out and she
always compliment it once they're done but as always he had a point. He had to take her out once in a
Chris got in the jeep and drove off. Now he had less that five minutes to get home and get in the
kitchen. Which was impossible to him since he was no Vin from Fast and Furious and there were street
roles to be followed.
As he drove, he couldn't help but think of what he was going to prepare and when he got home he went
straight to him room and that's when he found Maya wearing her sneakers. And everything went sour
with her outburst. Of course it did hurt him that she compared him with her friend but she would have
still given him a chance.
It hurt him that he forgot too but he couldn't balance everything. He had to finish the scratch today itself
and he also had to arrive home early to make dinner for them. He was no lady to remember everything.
Like every kids birthdays and at the same time work all day. He couldn't multitask and here it's the
evidence. His wife leaving him without allowing him to give his reasons for forgetting. At least she
should have listened to him then decided his fate after that.
That's why when she slammed the door he buried his hands in his face. He had hurt her already. How
then was he going to make her happy in less than seven months. One week later and it felt like she
had made a wrong decision. At least that's what she was trying to say. It's like she chose her friend
over him. No not chose but preferred. He was the best thing anyway to her. He deserved her more than
Chris did. To him, Mr. Ambrose was once luck bastard.
After sitting in the bedroom for what seemed like forever, he got up and walked to the kitchen. The least
he could do at the moment is make dinner for them. Maya would bring her friend home and she would
introduce them and they would eat together then he would give her one of the guest room and
everyone would be happy.
Chris folded his shirt and began to look for the ingredients that he needed to make dinner. Of course
like any other day, he made it with so much love and by the time he was done hours had gone by. He
walked upstairs and took shower then changed into one of his many sweatpants and a black tee shirt.
He didn't know why but he wanted to look as casual as he could and not intimidating.
Chris took his phone to look at the time and to his surprise, it was almost ten and Maya wasn't back. To
console himself he came up with every idea that he had. Like maybe she was stuck in traffic or her
friends flight got delayed. What else would be the reason for her not coming back home. Home where
she belonged with him and no one else.
Twenty minutes later, his phone light up and he took it expecting a message from Maya saying that
they're running late but he was wrong. It was a photo from Wesley and before he could even click it, he
knew that it was Wesley's date that he was trying to prove how gorgeous she was.
Since he had nothing to do in particular, he clicked it and just then, his heart dropped. It wasn't
Wesley's date at all. It was Maya and Mr. Ambrose laughing their lungs out but they weren't alone.
They're with a blonde that Chris remember he say the first time he saw Maya. She must be Kyle.
And then he read the message that Wesley had sent with the photo. It said that he thought Chris was
the one who was supposed to be there and not the guy. He was right but he had messed up and Mr.
Ambrose being Mr. Ambrose, he took his change. His change to be the night in shining armour. When
he, he was sitting home waiting for his wife to come back home. How pathetic of him. She told him
something expecting him to react to it but he failed her in the worse way he could.
Chris walked to the bar and poured himself a glass of whiskey. He downed all of it and poured himself
another and he did the same. Then he poured himself another but this he didn't take it in that rate. He
carried it to the sitting room and sat on the couch. He needed to be sober when he apologised to her
the moment she got home. Home to him and not Mr. Ambrose. He took a sip of his whiskey and stared
at the ceiling.
He didn't carry his phone with him since he didn't want to look for her number. Not actually look but
more like force it out of his best friend. That thought had him taking a large sip of his drink. By the time
he realised it, he glass was empty and it took all he had in him not to walk back to the bar. Till was still
sticking and there were no sign of her.
He didn't know how he fell asleep but the next thing he knew was someone was waking him up. Of
course he answered like any other half drunk person would or someone who is asleep and that is to
chase the hater away.
They're haters those people who don't allow you to sleep like you're supposed to. Then he didn't know
what he was saying until he had her say he should get off of him since he was heavy? No those weren't
her word. She called him something else. Chris just smiled and looked and her face and her full lips.
They're tempting him and he was getting hot all over his body. He could use the advantage of her
thinking he was drunk and kiss her for the third time in his life and second time since they married and
first of him knowing he was kissing her.
"Cupcake," he called leaning in to take her lips to his. To feel those soft lips on his and who knows, he
would be a dad within an over night since he would use no protection with her. Never since he wanted
his piece and gets form something beautiful.
Just when he was about to brush her lips, he was pushed to the side and he fell on the hard floor. He
wanted to shout out the sober him but he remembered to her he was no sober.
"Ouch! That was so mean cupcake." He said moving towards her. "Why won't you let me kiss you?" He
looked into her eyes.
Chris watched Maya get on her feet. She turned to him, "you're drunk and you don't want to kiss me."
"But I love your full lips, cupcake."
Maya looked away to hide hurt which noticed before she even did that.
"Because you're drunk right now." She leaned down to help him stand on his feet. "Let's get you to bed
Chris got on his feet and he leaned all he weight on her. He knew she couldn't hold him and in no time
they're on the couch. This time she was on top of him and he took that change to hold he waist firm so
she won't get off of him. She felt good in his arms and she did fit him well. It's like she was made for
him and he was too blind to see that.
"Just how much did you've to drink?" She asked trying to get off of him but he wouldn't budge in.
Just like before but this time he didn't demonstrate it he answered a little.
"Chris lemme go." She still fought to get free. "We still need to get you to bed."
"Why did you not come home when you fetched your friend?"
He didn't mean to sound hurt when he asked her that but he did. His emotions betrayed him in the
worse way than they could. She looked away as if looking for an answer to give but instead she told
that they needed to get him to bed. It hurt but she was right. They all had to rest. Maybe they would talk
when she stopped thing that he was drunk.
"I'll walk on my own then."
Although it hurt letting her go, he still did it. He got up and began to walk towards the stair case. Maya
was behind him since he felt her heat even from the distance they're walking from each other. Once he
got mid case, he thought of acting tips to see what will happen and just when he was about to fall, she
was at his rescue.
He smiled at her and locked her gaze. "Remind me to build an elevator for the mansion."
Maya laughed at his humour and got him on his feet.
"I sure will because I also get tired climbing them."
Chris laughed at her statement and continued to walk up. But not straight, he had to be tips. When they
got to their flow, he missed his room but Maya help him to their room. She led him to the bed and he
pulled her with him.
"I'll prepare you some coffee to help you sober up."
Before he could hold her, she freed herself and walked away.. In a way, he was happy that she was
making him coffee. God knew how much he missed her coffee and how many times he wished he
would find it on the island once he got back from his morning jog but it never happened.
In what seemed like five minutes, Maya walked in with a mug on her hands. She placed it on the night
stand and helped him to seat up. She handed it to him and which he protested at first but drunk after
her insisting.
"Why did you make dinner?" She asked in a low voice that he barely heard her.
Chris place his already half drunk coffee on the night stand and looked at her.
"I was hoping that you would come back with your friend after you fetched her and we would all dine
together as a way of apologising but I was wrong. I'm sorry Maya that I'm not like Mr. Ambrose who
knows everything about you and remembers everything. I'm sorry that I'm not romantic like him that I've
to use a name that I heard him call you since I couldn't come up with mine but don't get me wrong, I
love it.
"I'm sorry that I forgot about your friend arriving today. It's just that this was a busy one for me and I had
to meet a target since tomorrow has to be presented and be ready by next week. I know I seem like
I've everything under control but I don't Maya. But I'm trying don't you think? I'm really sorry Maya. So
He was out of breath but he had do it. Apologised to her which come to think of it, he had been doing.
He seems to apologise more than do anything good to her. It hurt deep down but he wasn't about to
show her. She was fighting tear like she did when she shouted at him and slammed the door early and
he hated himself for that.
"I'm also sorry Chris," she smiled at him. "I should have listened to you before jumping into conclusions
and comparing you with Leonel. It was wrong of me. I hope you can forgive me, Chris. As for me, I do. I
forgive you.
Chris smiled at her and he pulled her into a hug saying thank you that he forgives her too although he
saw no flaws on her side.
"I'm tired, I think I should rest and you too to sober up."
Chris looked up when she got up and he said the first think that came out of his mouth.
"Please lay with me." He was pleading of course. And when he saw the look on her face he added.
"Just sleep and only for today."
She said no and moved to her bag to pick her pajamas then walked to the bathroom. He hadn't given
up and when she walked out he was more determined. She wore a tag top and a blue booty shorts
showing her perfect legs.
"The only way I'll sleep is when you sleep besides me." He said think of something to make her lay with
him. "Drunk people don't sleep and I'll make sure that you won't when you sleep on the couch but when
you lay with me, I won't disturb you. I promise."
"I'll pass," she pulled the duvet. "And don't you dare disturb me."
Just after five minutes, he called her name and he knew she pretended to be asleep since she didn't
respond. He began to sing and when she didn't attempt to join him on the bed, he sang loud and bad
that she got irritated and asked him to keep quite. He didn't until he heard her get up and watch her
walk towards him.
"Fine. And don't try anything else or I'll forget that your drunk, Chris Rollins."
"Yes ma'am."
And with that, he heard her breath heavily after ten minutes or so.
He smiled at himself and let his eyes close with a smile planted on his face. Tomorrow was new
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