She was Tamed

Chapter 39 – He’s Engaged

Lyken was relieved when Honey came down from Jada's room and told him she's fine. Jada just had an upset stomach.

He's been wondering how they'll be able to talk though. Lyken wanted to fix things between them before Honey and Kobe's wedding. Even just for their closure, he's fine with that.

After almost an hour, he saw Jada come downstairs. They were still on the veranda, but Jada's parents had already left to rest for a while.

Josefin poked his arm and pointed at Jada, she was on her way to the garden. Lyken nodded and stood up to follow her.

"Ja, how are you?" Lyken asked, but she didn't respond. Letting out a nervous breath, he clasped his hands behind his back and continued, "Jada I'm really sorry about everything I did in the past. I was hoping you can still forgive me and forget about all that. Let's start anew, even just as friends," he stated.noveldrama

However, Jada was still unresponsive. "Ja, please, I'm really sorry," he told her again but he was still ignored. Lyken chose to keep quiet, but he stood his ground.

"Okay, thank you. I got all the details but I hope I can remember it all," she heard her say then she laughed.

When Jada turned around, she was startled to see someone standing behind her. Lyken was there, looking like he was bit by a snake.

'What the fuck? She was talking to someone over the phone the whole time?'

"Yes, Ly? Is there something wrong?"

"A-Ah, n-nothing," he stuttered. Thankful that she doesn't have any idea of the stupidity he did minutes ago.

"Okay, I thought something came up. Let's go," then she turned to join the rest of their friends. Lyken can only scratch his head and follow her.

'You're so dumb, Fontanilla'

"What's up?" Jada asked everyone.

"We're planning to go out tonight, you're coming with us right?" Steve asked.

"Not sure I can stay up late. Kristoff asked me to pick him up at the airport tomorrow."

All their eyes widened as if surprised about something. When she turned to look, she saw Lyken standing behind her and Steve. He, too, looked shocked.

"W-Why are you picking him up?" Robin asked hesitantly.

"Faith asked me to," she answered casually.

"Faith? Your cousin, Faith?" Steve asked, trying to confirm, and she nodded at him.

"What's with Kristoff and Faith?" Honey asked.

"Oh, haven't I told you yet? Those two are dating. Actually no, I think they're already in a relationship and in a few months, they'd probably get married too. They're inseparable," she narrated. Kobe let out a sigh before glancing in Lyken's direction. Honey and Robin stole a glance at him too.

"How did they meet each other?" Bambi asked.

"They met when Kristoff visited me in California, I think that was two months after I left. Faith was in L. A. for a conference. Kristoff was so interested in her so I played cupid," she grinned. After telling them everything about Kristoff and Faith, they all suddenly look relieved. Josefin, on the other hand, can't do anything but crease her forehead at them. She couldn't relate. "Let's go to the bar tonight?" Robin asked no one in particular.

They all looked at Jada. It's as if she has the final say. "Sure! Where to?"

"Let's go somewhere close. Cortés, maybe? We're staying here until Wednesday anyway," Steve responded as he turned to Jada and grinned.

"Oh, okay then. It's almost six, let's start preparing?"

They suddenly realized they all needed to hurry. Pushing one another, they hurried upstairs to get ready. Josefin and Lyken remain seated on the couch since they're both dressed.

Before heading upstairs, Jada saw Lyken turn to Josefin, whispering something. He was inviting her to join them and although Jada wanted to feel annoyed, she chose to ignore it. She can't do anything about it anyway. When she got to her room, Honey was already dressing up. "Are you going to sleep here later?" she asked.

"No, I'm staying with Kobe in the guestroom. Bambi and Ada will stay in the other room, then Steve, Rob, and Ly," she informed her.

Jada wanted to ask something but she choked after hearing what Honey said. 'Lyken's sleeping here? Until Wednesday? What's going on?'

As if she read Jada's thoughts, Honey suddenly smiled, "They're planning a bachelor's party. I think we should have a bridal shower too," she pouted.

"Of course! I'll call Jenny and Lowela to let them know."

She headed to the bathroom for a quick shower and started dressing up as soon as she's done. Jada put on a bandage skirt, backless top, and ankle strap wedges.

To cover her back a bit, she tied her hair to a half ponytail. Then she completed her look with light makeup, hoop earrings and phone bag.

When she came down, everyone's prepared and ready to leave. It wasn't obvious that they're all excited to go out.

"Ja! Are you serious with what you're wearing?" Robin asked.

She creased her forehead at him and smirked, "No, this is all a joke. I'll change my outfit at the bar," she answered with sarcasm. "Why? Does it look bad?"

"No, but it's very sexy. We might end up getting in a fight," he chuckled.

"Rob, you're exaggerating! I've already punched whoever will try to get in trouble with you, even before you get into a fight. Let's go!"

She rode Steve's car with Robin, Ada, and Bambi. Lyken and Josefin rode Kobe's car with Honey.

"I really think we'll get into trouble, dude," Steve told Robin as they entered the bar. It's because there were men who were catcalling as they passed by them and the boys didn't like that. "Steve, shut up! I'll be the one to pick a fight with you when I get drunk!" threatening him as she walks ahead towards their reserved couch.

They've only been there for less than an hour when the pinks called everyone out to the dancefloor. As usual, Jada quickly stood up to follow them, together with Steve and Robin.

After four songs, Steve pulled her back to their table. They really won't leave her alone, in fear that someone might take advantage of her.

Jada took a detour, telling Steve that she'll go to the restroom first. She was inside the cubicle when someone banged the door open.

She felt scared so she made sure to stay quiet. Forcing herself not to make a sound, she checked if the door was locked before pressing herself on the side wall.

"We're engaged! What's your problem?" A woman yelled. "Don't you trust me? This is bullshit!" she continued. It was Josefin's voice.

'O-M-G! She's engaged with Lyken?'

She felt like the walls of the cubicle were starting to close in on her. It was suffocating. She was about to go out when she spoke again.

"If you can't trust me and you can't trust me enough when I'm out with my friends then it's best to call the engagement off!" she shouted again, fury evident in her voice. "Josefin!" Lyken called after her.

Jada tried moving but she couldn't. She felt like the roof of the bar collapsed on her. 'How can he be engaged? I only left for a couple of months!'

Tears started streaming down her face. Immediately wiping them, she pushed the door of the cubicle to go out, not even bothered if Lyken's still there or not.

Fortunately, she was alone. When she's out, she heads straight to the sink and checks herself in the mirror. She was retouching her makeup when she noticed a purse on top of the sink.

That purse wasn't there when she came in earlier. Making it certain that it belongs to Josefin. She was about to pick it up to return it to her when the door flew open, it was Lyken.

He looked surprised seeing Jada there but he just creased his forehead at her. He then took the purse and stormed out.

Jada stepped out of the restroom as well and headed back to their table. She called a waiter and asked him to bring her a bottle of vodka. Kobe and the rest of their friends looked at each other when they saw the bottle placed in front of her. "Wait," Robin stopped her as she was about to drink, taking the glass from her. "What's wrong with you? Aren't you too thirsty?" He tried to joke but Jada just took the glass back from him.

"What happened Ja?" Honey asked.

Jada just shook her head at them. She doesn't have the strength to tell them anything. She only has the strength to drink and forget about everything.

"Ja, let's just dance whatever that is away!" Bambi told her and she didn't refuse.

She grabbed the bottle and walked straight towards the dancefloor, drinking from it as she danced. Swaying one hand in the air, she wasn't even bothered if she's hitting anyone.

At times, she would feel Ada or Bambi pinching her, but she paid no mind to them. She doesn't give a damn about anything right now. All she knows is that she's furious. And if someone calls her off, he or she will probably get hit by a bottle on the head.

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