
Pups 10

Third Person’s POV

“This is very rude and uncalled for, i mean, you can’t just barge in here and drag me out like you own me” Raquel yelled, trying to stop the guards who were gathering her belongings and taking them to the car. Leo turned to her with a cocky smile

“Watch me” he said

Raquel thought he had changed, that he was now a better person, but it was clear that she had thought very wrongly. He was still the same mean, heartless bully she knew from highschool

She hated the fact that even after seven years, he could still trample on her feel and there was nothing she could do about it, other than sit in a corner and sulk. This time it was worse because he was the Alpha of the town and could do whatever he wished. He could even ban her from stepping a foot in the pack, and that was the last thing she wanted. She just needed to endure his bullshit for the sake of her father, for the sake of her vengeance. Plus, the kids seemed drawn to him and so far, he was being nothing but nice and fatherly towards them

“Raquell – He called out I need a hand here he continued. She didn’t look towards his direction or acted like she heard him

They want to know why we’re going to be living together” His voice echoed, but it was in her head. She turned to him, stunned

How the hell is he doing that? she asked herself. He was smiling, feeling happy that he had seemed to impress her

That he had been trying to do since the night before, but she didn’t seem to be catching on. As a matter of fact, she looked pissed

He had thought she would be happy to come live with him. He was The Alpha for fucks sake. Wasn’t she getting that?

“She doesn’t know anything about us and our identity, we have to try the human approach to impress her” Connor, his wolf suggested

“Shut up you motherfucker! I’m not trying to impress her. I need her close to me in order to become more powerful” he responded

“No, we want to impress her because we need her to love us Connor countered

“I don’t have the time to argue with you” His wolf didn’t seem to want to listen

“Oh you do! I can do this all day, I need to remind you that this is our mate you’re talking about. Aren’t you happy to finally find her? We’ve been searching since we turned eighteen Connor said

“Of course I’m happy to have found her and the kids. And that’s because they’ll all give me more power, Dad wouldn’t say shit to me anymore. With her, I can ride to my full potential” Leo was an happy about that

An Alpha without a mate usually loses his human self to his wolf. He becomes a full animal and acts on animal instinct. His human self would struggle, but could never make it back

These past years without Raquel, he could already feel himself falling into the dark side, which is the worst thing that could ever happen to an Alpha. He would have lost his honor, his name would have been tagged to a failed reign

Of course he was grateful that she had come at the right time, but it wasn’t because he loved her or any sort of those shit Connor was talking about

“Yes, we should be happy about that, but that is just a plus. The main thing we should be happy about is finding our mate and been able to love her and be loved by her, raise our kids and live as a full pack” Connor pushed further, trying to convince the strong headed Leo, but it wasn’t getting to


“Be loved?– Leo scoffed and continued- Does Raquel look like someone who would love us? Us! She hated us, Connor Give up your Hopes”


“How did you do that?” Raquel’s voice pulled him out of his banter Connor

It’s just a little trick I learnt from my father” he lied

Of course Raquel didn’t believe it, she knew it had something with him being a Werewolf but she wasn’t going to say anything about it

He didn’t need to know that she was now aware of their existence noveldrama

She squinted her eyes, hinting her disbelief and simply said


“So… You’re going to tell them or what?” He asked and she folded her arms under her boobs, looking at the other direction

“They don’t have to know,” she answered. They were too young to understand any of the things that happened and she for one didn’t want to go through the stress of explaining it to them in their own terms and vocabulary


“If you don’t, I’m going to do it Leo threatened, and she turned to him, giving the expression that said


He raised a brow saying, “tryme” and she knew instantly

Do what Mommy?” Alec asked and she sighed

“Why don’t you go ahead and give a hand to these men‘ she said to the boys, gesturing at the idle guards

“They aren’t doing anything” Aiden pointed out

“Um..Talk to them…okay with them, just do anything with them so long as you’re not here. This man who you should definitely not know his identity and I need to talk” She said, shooing them

“Interesting.. you don’t want my kids to know that I am their father Leo said

“Look, I don’t know what you hope to achieve by doing this to me, but can you just let them be? They’re too young to start asking questions and all that stuff” She said but Leo shook his head negatively

“They need to know Raquel, they need to call me dad. And I think this is the best time to inform them. When they grow older, do you think they would forgive you for not telling them” He asked and now that she thought about it, he was right

“Fincl I’ll tell them argh!” She was frustrated. He always had it his way which was unfair

Cade’s voice caught their attention

“We have a problem Leo”

“What is it?” Leo asked, alarmed

“Your father, he left

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