Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Parents Warmth
I step clocrtomy bed to take a good look at it after Gina angrily stormed out of the room. It was neatly laid just as I had left it last night. The only thing different about it
was the claw mates on the pillow. Il lightly brushed my
finges over it, a frown on my faccensing my forehead in
“What happened to my pillowtimasi, diverting my to Lana behind me. She purses her lip balore claringdick at ihaldoonway, where Gina just went through
“Gina did.” She smars. She was not about us night that she wanted to trash all unit with her channel
quickly stopped her, thout 04 plain wh lsa i tak seat
on my bed. Leki huri her k imming the room with interest on the
w a rs that are of wolf pups. Lama hadi picked them. 0°
I shake my head, naill lost. “But why I didn’t do
anything to her last night.” I da remember the death Elan
pointed at me when Reagan had called me into the
puckhouse, ilhadn’t known the reason then and hadn’t taken
it seriously.
Lana stares at me before sigting wally and coming to sit
beside me
“Teu didn’t do anything.” She places one hand on my
“She’s just pind and jealous that His Highness
Announced you his mate. Tou see, last night when you weren’t in the ballroom. His Highne w introduced to the
High Table along with the others. Gina went ahead to serve them drinks along with the res, and she specifically want to
the Prince. In a flash, he stood up and started inilling her
neck like one would his mate. I guess Gina thought it quod men and glued her body to him, but the next thing that
happened, he pushed her off and matched your scarf from 0 around her neck. Man, you should have therlocher
face when he arked for the owner instead, which
She stickered at the last part watting the
th her puli.
“Anyway, she didn’t quickly talk 04 away and that got him really angry. I wear he was egto chake the life out of her, that’s why Ijumped Men and said it was you. Then he ordered i call you the right away, and
you know the rest.” She shrugs at the ending before standing to finally
close our roemdoor since Gina had rudely forgotten todo
Now I know why Gina had glared like that at me
yesterday and today. She thinks stole the Prince from her
She-wolves are naturally drawn to power, so it’s not a
Surprise she’s pissed at me. Hell, I’m sure a lot of other
she-wolves that were at the ceremony are also pissed at me:
When Brad had made Stacy his mate, many of them also
hated her and gossiped behind her back. A where had
veduced the future alpha of their pack. But they never said it to her face, nat wanting to get on the bad side of their
supposed future Luna. They were nice to her out front but
Spoke disgusting things about her behind herbuck.
Now, Prince has laid a claim on me. And from all the
ossips i heard outside, most weren’t happy abot it. Il wasn’t exactly popular among my peers, who friends to prove that apart from Lara. So my pain would be more
“Bitch kept whining about it right, calling you names the whola ridehoming on in annoyance:
to her to drop me in
the middle of the id and called a cak instead. She then stormed into this morning, rudely might i didid, without knockin Get thing to the went for your pillow. I
quickly pushed her back and told her to let, but the
wouldn’t listen. If you wys hadn’t walked in when you did, i
would have thought her in lart**with my
I sighed before muttering a thane you’ at her
hadn’t stopped her, I dread what she would have done to my
Lana tends a smile back at me before shruezine. “Don’t mention it. I’m wondering how I put up with a bitch like her for so long She crossed the line when the threatened you.”
Would you like Reagan to know about this. Le
“No, I TEHLİsmallivusivu LIR’I
Flor dentining much troubleshowch i heler Hindutut His High would n e Bed! Lan h own butile.
“I don’t lokumaline Le point outh
# n
ow anched at hy
“Sheratonedatture Princeu
T hi wanity a death penalty back at the Palace.” 0
i miden
in shock as informatii, indo did nu.
disinalet den forhelvent but i don’t anthe dud. Erina’s tydstip lama inalar. She
doesn’t want either
. “Taanhandleherny #1: No
inted to take it teatar
Lexi shrugs in return before standing
t ron
where she was leaning on Lana’s desk.
Na problem. I went inlom Reagan. Ie’re going to be
late for dass, anyway. Are you coming or do you want to
thy sortimare
My heart aches at the possibility of not seeing Lana, mj.
MUTT, my dad maybe could sk p class and visit them
instad. They would be worried sick, but they will be at work
right now. I’ll have to message them both then before otting
“111 ay little more. You can Bukad.” 1 vse
She not okay, type in m umber” She callsher Huber for a while Iglve her min.
Call me immediately as your ca reer I don’t want to get into trouble with Regan.” She turnly inform
See you IXH, Ellie.” She moves tomards the door but
pauses to stand at Lanta. “And you too, Lana”
Lana perks up before nodding hered as a signal respect, “, Alexia”
“Ples don’t be sofomaltall me Lexi” Shu saya before closing the door het behind her.
Lana is let start staring at the closed door for a while. If only Gin was here to see this. She would bufurious that Lew wagi warm to Lana while she was a total bitch ta her
“Oh, I’m so happy for you.” She unexpely jumps on me. “I was petrified last night, of course, I feared that something terrible might happen to you like being shipped
off to Canada so soon. But here you are, glowing and looking
batter than ever.” Herpes van my whole body in me while
she caresses my cheaks and am.
lagleather comic express, “Lana, I’m still the same.”
“No, you‘re not, I think your boobs are bleger. She
Ourhusly on my breast, and I wat her hand way in
pense. And your hair is shiny. She strokes her lingan through my har. “Wind what kind of lelian ate you using for your skin to dow much and feels mouth. She’s ir pecting my face with her hands now..
brating”I roll my
Okay, now you’re OL- herasimove back
I’m wrious. You look different and smell different teo.” She snittstheir around me. You are hent. She suddenly moves back to study memon that a hickey on your neck?!”
I blush then and use my hair to quickly cover thu lovebite.
“Wow, you guys didn’t waste any time to get to it, huh?” She teases vahile Wiggling her eyebrow
“Weight get to anything.” quickly delend. “Tell me, he big down there?” She lenöres ma.
“I don’t know..”
“How long did he last?”
“We didn’t do anything…” I’m beginning to get
frustrated at her pestering
“I heard Lycans have better stamina than.
“Oh my God shut up! Nothing happened, okayil” | Snap, suddenly feeling imitated by her persistent questioning when nothing happened. Her questions are making me
untular Prince ind me in my mid.
Lana immediately shuts up and blinks
ma bior
shitting buckward, anayirum
What I ask, still alightly irritated.
She starus down at her fingers, lidpating with them. Your aura in different too, and you’re making me feel slightly uncomfortable.”
I frown x that, “I’en making you uncomidorable?
Teah, almost like how Alpha Banaan doen to the whole pick whenever he’s anery Guess I shouldn’t be surprised since your mata sa Lycan” se starin me through the corner of her eyes
Yeah, my aurall start to change and more
intimidating in average wall
“Hell, I doubt Brad or Alpha Bandan will be able to keep
up with you.” She laughs, but I don’t join her.
“Speaking of Brad, Alpha Benson withdrew from ging
him the Alpha position after you guys left last night. Something about breaking the sacred bond between his
mate. When His Highness claimed you, why was he gainst
it? Is he…” She didn’t have to complete her statement for me
to know what she’s askine. I’m surprised Alpha Benson also
mentioned the reason for Brad not bring inaugurated.
Inod in answer, making her eyes go wide.
“So the roman are true. Why didn’t you tell me this
“Oh, come on, Lana. And get shamed for being
incompetent to keep my mate. You know the only reason
people aren’t going to say that now is because someone of
higher authority claimed me as his.”
“But still..I wouldn’t have mentioned it to anyone.
Heck, I would have kneed Brad in the balls for you.” She
stands to demonstrate her words, making a smile gracedy
“No, you wouldn’t.”
“No, I wouldn’t.” She agrees with a hod and sit back to
cross her legs on my bed.
She turns to me when Lask, “Afternoon classi”
“Kinda, are you going to yours?”
“No, too chidien ta face all these stares. Maybel shouldn’t have come until the gossips died down.” I sigh
before lying down on my bed to stare up at the ceilings.
“Yes, but they would have just risen up when next, you
came back.” She points out.
“So better face them now than later. Don’t worry
though, I’ll hity bitch in the boobs that says shit about
you.” She then moves to li beside me.
“Don’t get into a fight with a she-wall because of me. You know how we can be.” I warn her, knowing how
dangerous shemales can be when filed up.
dа, but it he camrad iн аnуоnе drap my awasan Tecmate’s down in the mud.” I turn then to hug her,
catching her off guard, rateful she’s here to upport me.
“Thank you.” I whisper in her ear: “Anytime, prl.”
We stay ilappidön my bed for some time, quiet and lost in aur thoughts before she announces she had to go shower. I remain there and take out my phone or she leaves. I did my mum’s number and she answers on the
second ring
“Elle weetie7 is that your Her urgent voice is the first thing I hear
“Oh, thank the moon. Where are you? Please tell me,
dear, and I’ll come and meet you right away.” I can hear the
relief and concern in her voice as she exhales.
“I’m fine, muin. I’m actually at school. Where are you?
“You’re at school?” The shock is evident in her tone. She
definitely didn’t think I would still be in California or even
allowed to walk around so freely by now.
“I’ll explain everything later. Il be at home in thirty minutes. Please tell dad to come too.” I say before telling her
bye and end the call.
Usually, from home to school is more than an hour,
which is why I decided to stay in the school dormitory. But if I run in my wolierm, I should make it in thty or maybe
I can’t run or hide from Heran, so I decide to pack
some of my stult in aduffel bag Same clothes since I can‘t continue using Lexi’s, some shoes, my hair products and some other necessities. When I’m done, Lana comes out of the shower to see me packed and ready to go. I explain I’m going to max my parents and luckily spend some time before making it back to school to follow Lepihack to Reagan’. Guess I won’t be able to attending of my classes today.
Lana nods in understanding but made me promise to call herifi needed any het. I bid har padaye before going cut the door. I had replaced my jaket with a hoodie so I can hide my face from everyone else before making it to the woods at the back of the campus. I still receive some stares, probably because of my new strange aura, but they flatly lenore me when they see the hideous hoodie i’m hidden in.
I can’t express the amount of relief i feel when reaching
the woods. I walk further in, listening for any sign of
movement with my werewolf hearing before undressing 1
dip the clothes into my duffel bag when I’m done before
crouching to shütt. My benes crack into different positions noveldrama
that are humanly impossible belore I finally turn to my wolf with brown fur. I pick my duffel bag with my canines before
kenning the race to my home.
plained in because of heilur’s bon color, but her
inn’t the
Inter can runvier than before, the trees
pacing lay me in a Wur with the wind blowing through my tur. My senses are even more heightened, andien pick up the slightest moment from miles away.lisoun the buckyard of my home and pick up my pace to thach there. I stop a wresway to shit back to my human form and put on my clothes
I can hear the house is silaplever before I walk in, meaning na ane is home find the key to the back door
under the mat like muntalas kept it, in case I came home when they’re nel My nose catches the scent of brewed coffee, and ch a half eaten sandwich on the dining
table. I decide te also make a sandwich since I haven’t really
eaten. I dive into the fridge and brought out some ham,
vegetables, and butter before proceeding to the kitchen
I’m done and sitting at the dining table, chowing down
on the ham sandwich when I heard my parent’s car pullinto
the driveway.
.: “Ellie?! Ellie dear. Are you here?” I hurry out of the
kitchen to see my mum in her nurse uniform. A look of relief
washes over her face when her eyes and on me. She rushes
over to engull me in a warm hue and I breathe in her familiar
H opeles. De comes in behind her and miles when
hem i quloh him, and he place a kiss on my
farhad Hcun.
We then take a s
on the sota and I’m bombardid
with questions from my mum, asking iiwas alright or being treated alright where I was. Here and hand check my body for any sign of injury
Tmi, mum,” I assure War with a smile, moving way so she won’t see the lovitit on my neck
“She dosi look alright, Sonia.” My deadds.
“Oh, howy. Why didn’t you teos about Bradth Tears poolin her eyes, and I can see the concern she holds in them, I look wwwinsham not wanting tave the disappointed look on their faces.
“I’m sorry, culum, did. I didn’t want you guys to think
I’m not gomenough to keep my mate.” I sulk while fiddling with my fingers
“Nonsense.” I hear my dad’s angry voice speak up
“Tanything that bay was stupid to reject you. If he wasn’t our Alpha’s son, I would have mutilated him for daing that to you.” I can see his insa glow a bright blue as he grips the arms of his chair in nage. His jaw clenches a he lets out
little growis.
“Calm down, Grey. Let’s not do anything stupid.” My mum’s soft voice is heard as she walks over to him, caressing
he woulica
Murn, Bladti dont know who da. Horrisin
Hipe my mate?” Hy voice comes out weari look at them for hele
My mum sights, Oh, dea: Ir not sure ther, but you know the same rules for us don’t apply to Lycans. Tell me, de do you feel anything for him?” She was with her eyes Seite and soothing
“I don‘t know, I can’t really explain what is that I feel. It’s all muddled in my brain
“That’s namal since your wall a will recuperating from that shithead’s rejection.” dedit, making my mum send a hep glare at A Sory” He cringus
Don’t worrydon. Everything’s poing to be alright. We are here for you. My mum cames to sit back beside me, holding my hand.ismash into her arms, yearning for her warmth to keep me sane. I feel my dad sit beside me, stroking my hair while my mum puts my back.
This was what I needed when Brad threw me aside and
went for Stacy. Now, I wish I had told them earlier. Then i
wouldn’t have gone through all that heartache alone. If my
aunt hadn’t been there to console me, I doubt I wouldn’t still
be depressed by now
I stay in my parents’ amms for some time before the
doorbell goes off. We all go rigid at once, wondering who it
could be. Anyone we’re acquainted with would know we
i stay in my parents’ arms for some time before the
doorbell goes off. We all go rigid at once, wondering who it could be. Anyone we’re acquainted with would know we
shouldn’t be home by now. If I hadn’t called my mum, both
she and dad would still be at work. And I would be at school
So who could be visiting us at this tidie? My dad motions for
my mum and me to wait in the sitting room while he goes to answer the door. My mum and I both stand up with her arms on my shoulder, and we watch him twist the doorknob open.
I can’t see who the person is but a familiar scént hits my
nose, and I can feel goosebumps begin to rise on my arms in
Even my wolf perks up at the scent, wanting to see
through my eyes.
“Your Highness?!” I hear the surprised voice if my dad
from where I stand.
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