Alyssa, Luna, and Juliet were all quiet as Alexander also known as Alex finished telling his past in
detail to the girls. They had no clue how to react, should they talk about how he was saved or the part
where he was hurt by his pack.
“Hey, why do you girls look sad? Juliet, are you crying?” Alex questioned all worried as he sat up
straight and wiped away her tear with his thumb.
“N-No, I am just sad that how come your family do this to you” Juliet sniffed out all sad which made
Alex smile knowing how kind-hearted and caring Juliet was.
“Juliet is right, how can they do that to you? Also, your secret is safe with us and you can always trust
us” Alyssa spoke gently as she smiled at Alex while she kept her hand on top of his making him realize
that how trustworthy and honest Alyssa was.
Alex heard some mumbling as he glanced at Luna who groaned annoyed as she kept her hands on
Alexander’s shoulder. “If they ever trouble you again, just tell me and I will beat them up for you” and
that small sentence made Alexander feel special as he knew Luna was very loyal.
Alexander now knew that he just wasn’t loved by Draco, Loukas, Ronin and their parents also not just
by Jace and his parents...he was also dearly loved and respected by Alyssa, Luna, and Juliet.
“It's okay, just like how Jace says to me; past is past so I should move on with him by my side” Alex
spoke as he giggled while he ate a cheery from the plate while Juliet sadly hummed.
“You got the perfect mate” Alyssa giggled out taking some grapes while she ate it as Alex whispered
“Yeah, I have no clue what I would do without him” with red cheeks that made Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna
“What about your previous alpha Georgio and your brother Merritt and Georgio’s sister Charlotte?”
Luna suddenly questioned all confused wanting to know about what Jace, Draco, Loukas, and Ronin
did to them.
“Well, Jace wanted to punish them and their whole pack even brother Draco, Loukas and Ronin agreed
but our parents went like they are kids and left them with a punishment of removing Georgio as alpha
and even Merritt as a beta. Someone else now runs the pack” Alex explained and told whatever Jace
told him to Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna.
“What’s Jace’s pack name?” Juliet now questioned as she forgot the name of the pack so Alex
answered “Blood moon” while Juliet hummed and asked her question “Yeah, so blood moons respects
omegas?” which made Alex remember how Jace took him to that pack where they all were so friendly
and like a big happy family.
“Yes, they do plus Jace made this pack called ‘Pure moon’ where all omegas live in peace and they
have mostly rescued omegas. I have met them and their pack is right next to my and Jace’s pack. Also,
that pack’s alpha is Jace’s friend and he is mated with one of the omegas that Jace rescued.” Alex
spoke as he told a bit about it.
“Jace is so nice and here I thought he is like Draco” Luna chuckled out as she shook her head
remembering how Draco flirted with her and kissed her whenever he could even if someone was
“He kinda is. They practically grew up together and were in the same class” Alex shrugged his shoulder
as he had seen both of their ideas, mindset, and personality matching.
“Merritt and Georgio are out of your life?” Alyssa suddenly questioned as Alex sighed shaking his head
while he answered “No, they are not. Well, they still are in the same grade and class as Jace which
means in our class Luna so I try to stay away from them though they have bullied me a few times and
yeah I managed to escape” which made Luna frown.
“Did you tell Jace?” Luna now questioned worriedly knowing what Merritt and Georgio could do to Alex
or anyone who they hate.
“No, it’s for the best he doesn’t know because he is a hybrid and controlling himself gets hard since we
have mated” Alex spoke as he sadly smiled knowing how he just wanted his brother to love him but his
wish would never come true.
“Oh, you did the same thing as us? Like the mating thing” Juliet questioned to divert Alex’s mind as she
saw a sad look on his face.
“Yes, I mated in vampire way, and during my heat, we mated in wolf way” Alex giggled out knowing
hybrid was a headache since it was really hard to mate both ways.
“You said during our night out that you were scared of Jace for two years” Luna now questioned as she
remembered how Alex agreed he was scared of Jace before but not anymore.
“Yes, I was but I am not any more” Alex spoke as he sighed while the flashbacks of Jace whispering ‘I
love you’ replayed in his head which made him feel loved all over again.
“But why? I mean he was so nice to you and he even saved you plus told your whole pack that you are
his mate” Juliet now questioned all confused while Alyssa agreed with her.
“Yeah, but I was 16, and, at that age, I couldn’t tell if Jace was my mate or not. I couldn’t tell unless I
was 18 and when he did the vampire way and joked that he is going insane I thought what if he made
this up just to help me escape. What if there is no vampire way? But in the end, after 2 years of being
scared of him and keeping a bit of distance I turned 18 and found out Jace is really my mate” Alex
explained as Alyssa and Juliet made an ‘Oh’ face while they hummed understandingly.
“Aww, how romantic” Luna teased as Alex giggled hiding his red face which made Luna laugh as she
questioned “So, you both are now on good terms?” which made Alex look at her while he nodded his
head agreeing.
“We have our ups and downs but yes he never leaves my side,” Alex said as played with his thumb all
embarrassed which Luna found adorable.
“Just like how Loukas told me he would make me a vampire, would Jace make you a hybrid as well?”
Alyssa now questioned as Alex hummed while he answered “Yes, I am kind of done with the
transformation. Just a bit more and I will be a full hybrid just like my mate” Alyssa nodded her head
since she now knew it was compulsory.
“Jace loves you and we love you too okay” Juliet giggled out as Alex hummed happily while he spoke “I
love you guys as well” which made Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna giggle.
“Just know we will always be here for you and I will be in your class so let’s beat the shit out of Merritt
and Georgio soon” Luna winked at Alex who did thumbs up as nodded his head happily.
“Yes, and besides you, three are way better brother Loukas, Ronin, and Draco’s ex-girlfriends” Alex
spoke as he snorted rolling his eyes while he remembered those girls.
“Ex-girlfriend?” Juliet spoke a bit insecure knowing that her mate once had a girlfriend even though she
never once had a boyfriend.
“Yeah Kim, Amy, and Sam their ex-girlfriends who hated me and made me work. I tried telling Jace but
he didn’t believe me saying that they are his cousin’s mates so we can’t doubt them even though we
hate them” Alex said as he groaned remembering how annoying they were.
“Jace didn’t like those girls?” Luna questioned since she liked him in a brotherly way just like she liked
Alex, Loukas, and Ronin.
“No, he hated them but couldn’t do anything because Loukas, Draco, and Ronin believed those girls
are his mates,” Alex said calming Luna down a little.
“What happened next?” Alyssa now questioned a bit worried as she wanted to know more about those
“Well, that’s a story your mother-in-law will tell you or maybe brother Loukas will” Alex chuckled out as
he shook his head while he took some grapes and stuffed them inside his mouth.
“Don’t you know anything about them? Juliet now questioned all worried as Luna could see a sad look
on Juliet, Alyssa, and Alex’s face. She knew that Alyssa and Juliet must be feeling insecure and
jealous but she had no clue as to why Alex was sad.
“I don’t I am sorry, it’s just that Jace told me to stay away from those girls since whenever they saw me,
they just ordered me around and made me do all the work and because of them-” Alex spoke as tears
started to stream down his cheeks while he held his head and tried to forget the memory that repeated
in his head.
“Hey shh shh Alex” Luna spoke as she pulled Alex in for a hug while he clung to her and cried on her
“Alex please don’t cry,” Alyssa said sadly as she rubbed Alex’s back who cried even more.
“Yeah, we won’t ask you anything so don’t cry,” Juliet said as she held back her tears seeing Alex
crying so much.
“I hate them...I really really really hate them” Alex cried out loudly as Luna rubbed his back while she
said “Okay Alex we understand so don’t cry. We are here for you and they are not Draco, Loukas, or
Ronin’s mates anymore” while Alex just nodded but didn’t stop crying.
“Yeah, Alex we are not those bitches” Alyssa cursed out annoyed not knowing what those girls did to
make Alex cry so much.
“Call Jace” Luna spoke as Alyssa nodded her head and quickly ran to Jace while Juliet and Luna tried
to calm Alex down who hid his face in Luna’s chest while he cried loudly.
“Shh...calm down Alex” Juliet spoke while tears streamed down her cheeks as she now stuttered out
“E-Everything will be okay” which made Luna smile.
“I am here...we are here” Luna whispered as she rubbed Juliet’s arm while Juliet nodded and rubbed
her eyes and wiped the tears away.
“What the hell happened?” Jace suddenly walked inside the room to see Alex crying loudly with Juliet
sitting opposite to him while she was also crying.
“Alex is crying and not calming down” Luna spoke as Jace sat on the bed and pulled Alex towards
himself. noveldrama
“I am sorry but can you girls tell me the reason he started to cry?” Jace now questioned confused as
Alex hugged Jace tightly.
“We don’t know he was talking normally and saying he loves us and likes us a lot after telling his past
but he suddenly told us about Loukas, Draco, and Ronin’s ex-girlfriends” Luna explained as Alyssa and
Juliet nodded their heads agreeing.
“He also told us that you told him to stay away from them and they ordered him around and made him
do all the work and after that, he said ‘because of them’ and just started crying” Juliet spoke as Alyssa
hugged her to calm her down as well since Juliet was still crying as well.
“Draco, Loukas, and Ronin’s girlfriends were very bad and mean to Alex. He tried loving them and did
everything for them but my Alex was pregnant and he had a miscarriage because of those girls” Jace
spoke as Juliet, Luna, and Alyssa’s eyes widened in shock.
“What?” Luna questioned as she now felt guilty and hated those girls even more since she knew how it
feels when you have a miscarriage even though you accepted the baby.
“Yeah, he was really happy and I told him not to go to school but he didn’t listen to me and wanted to
go and tell his teachers who loved him. Alex came back home and was very tired since it had been 2
months and this idiot recently found out. So yeah, I went to attend a meeting and those girls were at
this castle. They made Alex work and serve them even though he said he is pregnant. More like his
wolf was since he is an omega but those girls ignored and he felt dizzy and slipped from stairs while
bringing juice for them as a butler saw it and quickly brought him to me so I took Alex to my packhouse
and my pack doctor took Alex away from me” Jace explained the whole thing as the girls listened
carefully while Alex just cried on Jace’s strong arms.
“Those argh those bitches” Luna yelled as she now felt irritated and annoyed by them even more.
“Yeah, well they had power and cried saying they didn’t do anything Alex forced that he would do the
work and my silly cousins believed them while Alex lost a lot of blood because he fell from way top to
the bottom. He was seriously hurt and got stitches. The doctors saved him but they couldn’t save the
baby” Jace spoke as he rubbed Alex’s back who sniffed and tried to calm himself down.
“I am so sorry” Juliet whispered while she cried which made Jace smile so he wiped her tears away.
“No, we are sorry for bringing that memory back” Alyssa spoke sadly as Jace smiled at her.
“Don’t worry it was past and we are now making our future besides he has you, girls, now and you love
him and care for him dearly” Jace spoke as Alex laid his head down on Jace’s shoulder while he sat on
his lap.
“We love him a lot” Luna spoke as she rubbed Alex’s back who cried on his mate’s shoulder but tried to
calm himself down since he didn’t want his mate to worry.
“He is now scared of getting pregnant but with you three around, I am sure he would agree” Jace
chuckled out as he ran his fingers through Alex’s hair.
“We will try our best” Juliet giggled out happily as Jace smiled as he said “Please do” which made Juliet
extremely happy knowing she could help Alex.
“If you don’t mind, can you tell us why Draco, Ronin, and Loukas did later? Did you tell them that those
girls did this?” Luna questioned annoyed as Jace could tell Luna now hated those girls while she kept
on looking at Alex with love and care in her eyes.
“Yeah, I told them but they refused to believe me but later Draco believed me and made his brothers
believe as well. They broke up with those girls for Alex as they love him and care for him more” Jace
sighed out knowing how stupid his cousins were and how blindly they were in love.
“Jace” Alex whimpered as he glanced at Jace while Jace stared right into his eyes as he said “Hey
Babyboy, I am here okay love?” while Alex nodded his head and whispered “Okay” which made Jace
smile as he said “That’s my brave mate” while he kissed the crown of Alex’s head.
“I will tell Draco, Loukas, and Ronin to fill you up with how they found out that you are their mates” Jace
suddenly spoke as he now kissed Alex’s cheek.
“Okay thank you” Alyssa thanked Jace as he hummed smiling at her.
“My pleasure but just remember to stay away from Amy, Sam, and Kim” Jace warned the girls who
knew that Jace was right so they agreed.
“They go to the school we go to?” Juliet now questioned as Alex sat next to Jace. Alex rested his head
on Jace’s shoulder who didn’t mind at all.
“Yeah, they do so just be careful. My idiot cousins can’t tell that those girls are bad news but I, Alex,
and the rest of the gang can tell so we will protect you three at all cost” Jace spoke as he saw Alex all
sad which made him sigh.
“Now why don’t you guys watch a movie?” Jace spoke as he looked at Juliet, Luna, and Alyssa and
gestured through his eyes at Alex while the girls nodded understandingly.
“Okay let’s do that” Juliet spoke happily as Alex cheered not knowing that they all just wanted him to be
happy so they did this to divert his mind from Amy, Sam, and Kim.
“Oh, I wanna watch lion king” Alex giggled out happily as the girls agreed while they all stood up.
“I will tell the butler to bring drinks, popcorn, jellies, and nachos to the cinema room while I will first take
you guys there,” Jace said as he walked out of the room with Alex next to him and the girls following
‘Baby, I told you to call me besides I am ready to have a baby with you anytime okay’ Jace spoke
telepathically as Alex giggled as he telepathically said ‘I know but I am scared’ which made Jace sigh.
‘Obviously, you are and that is why I am here and I will never let go of this tiny hand of yours’ Jace said
telepathically which made Alex giggle.
“Okay we are here” Jace spoke as the girls looked at the castle’s private cinema room in awe.
“Make yourself comfortable. Take those blankets and I will tell the butler and the movie will start in 5
minutes” Jace spoke as they all settled while Jace brought the things after a few minutes with the butler
as he gave them whatever they wanted.
They all watched lion king happily as Jace sat next to Alex and did his work while he made sure that
Luna, Alex, Juliet, and Alyssa are happy and enjoying.
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