My Visions His Reality

Chapter 6

Chapter Six: …Don’t let these boys get to your head. They aren’t worth it.”

When I stood on the pavement, at night, I realized I had no ride didn’t want to go back inside and face Natalie and Samantha with tears streaming down my face and smudged mascara. So, I took the only option I had, I started walking while furiously wiping my tears.

At this point, I didn’t even know why I was crying. Was it because Harper stole a kiss from me when I didn’t want it? But that couldn’t be the reason, because it had already happened in school today. It wasn’t with the same forcefulness, but still

Was it because he thought it would be okay to kiss another girl before me and he thought I would never know and that I was just another one of his hookups? Was it because the kisses we slured did something to me whereas Harper just thought of me as another girl he could have sex with? I was so confused I don’t even know the answer to my questions, right now. And I was not sure I wanted to know.

I heard the sound of a car honking beside me. I ignored it at first and hoped that the person sitting inside it would just the hint and go their own way. But luck wasn’t on my side tonight.

The side window went down and I turned around to see Aiden sitting in the driver’s seat with a concerned expression. I honestly didn’t know how to feel!


In a way, it was Aiden’s fault that I was on the pavement in a dress while trying to walk in these heels. After all, he was the one who had told me where Harper was, and that was when the whole drama started. I knew I was being irrational but my exhausted mind couldn’t come up with a better explanation.

Was I expecting Harper to come to me and give me a ride back home?! Be the gentleman I knew he wasn’t?!

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. “What do you want, Aiden?”

If he saw my raccoon eyes, tear-stained cheeks, and shaking shoulders in the darkness, he didn’t say anything and for that 1 was thankful. I would like to hold onto whatever was left of my pride.

going to

“Zara, are you walk back to your house?” He asked me gently.

“I don’t see how it’s any of your business.” I snapped and regretted it immediately. It was not Aiden’s fault I was on a road, walking in my heels trying to get away from the party and Harper.

I was not a bitch to random people and I was not going to start now.

If he found my reply offensive, he didn’t say anything. “Let me drop you. Your house is on the other side of the town.


He was right. My house was literally on the other side of the town. I didn’t even know how I thought I would be able to walk to my home. I didn’t even take into account the heels I was wearing and that I didn’t carry any money.

Even though I had my phone, I had no intention of calling either of my parents to come and pick me up. It was almost twelve and I wasn’t ready for the onslaught of questions I would have to face if they ever saw me like this.

“Why are you even doing this?” I asked in a small voice.

“I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I let you go like this. Alone and miserable. You don’t deserve that. I am just happy to help.” He smiled at me.

Releasing a breath, I resigned to my fate and got in the car.

“Thank you, Aiden.”

He just smiled at me and nodded.

I wondered why a certain green-eyed boy couldn’t be more considerate.

The ride back to my house was filled with silence. A silence that didn’t need to be filled. Aiden understood 1 needed to be alone with my thoughts and take control of my emotions again. He didn’t question me or ask me how I was doing, instead just drove silently.

When he parked the car in front of my home, he gave th

a small smile. “Take care, Zara.”

It didn’t go

unnoticed by me that he knew the address to my house without me telling him where to go. I was, honestly too drained to question him about his stalker tendencies.

“I will, thank you.” I smiled at him, unbuckled my seat belt, and got out of the car.

Giving him a small wave, I unlocked the door to my house and walked in.

I could distinctly hear the sound of the TV in the living room and I knew both of my parents were awake and were watching some night show or something.

I didn’t want to face them right now. Not when my makeup was a mess and clear signs were showing that I had been crying not too long ago.

The whole point of riding with Aiden was to evade the questions my parents would ask me if they saw me in such a state.

I planned to silently climb the stairs and make my way to my room. But surprise, surprise that didn’t happen because before I even climbed the first step, Dad called out my name.

“Zara, is that you?”

“Um, yeah it’s me.” After crying, my voice became hoarse and scratchy and my parents knew it too. In a minute, both of my parents were standing under the archway of the living room side by side with worried and concerned expressions.

“Are you okay, Zara?”

“Yeah, mom.” I cleared my throat to make it less scratchy. “I will be in my room.” I gave them a small smile which felt more like a grimace to me.

Before they could say anything, I ran upstairs, slammed my bedroom door, and heaved a sigh of relief. I was not in the mood to give any explanations.

I walked into my en suite to wipe my makeup and change my clothes. I wanted to take a shower to wash out any remains of the party tonight, but I couldn’t find the strength to do that just now. I quickly walked to my queen-sized bed and buried myself under my wine-colored duvet.

After about ten minutes, my door opened and a sliver of light crept into the room. Dad came inside, and with him followed. my favorite fragrance: hot chocolate.

He usually knocks before entering my room but when he knows I am upset, he just walks in. He knows whenever I feel down, I am fully dressed and moping in my bed and won’t open the door.

He swiftly crossed the room in calculated steps and reached my bed. My dad was a tall man, so much so that he had to pay extra money if he wanted a comfortable seat while traveling on a plane. Mom never fails to tease him whenever that happens,

I sat up on the bed, ready to drink the hot chocolate he made for me. He makes the best hot chocolates in the world. Whenever any of us had a bad day or got upset, he always made as hot chocolate. He is thoughtful that way.

My mom had other ways of coping with hormonal and distressed family members. She hugs them and listens to them patiently, before taking us out for our favorite treat.

My family is great that way.

I took the mug from his hands. He chuckled at my eagerness.

“Are you ok. Zara?”

I wondered how they decided which one of my parents would come and talk to me. The last time something like this

my face. happened, they played a game of rock, paper, and scissors. The thought brought a small smile to

The best thing about my dad is that he knows exactly when to give space and what questions to ask. His soft blue looked at me with concern. The blue eyes I get from him.

I gave him another small smile and nodded my head.

“You know we are here for you, right? Whatever happens, you can always come and talk to your mother and me. We won’t ever judge you

“I know.” I smiled brightly at the man who has been my hero ever since I could remember.

“Was it a boy?”

I hesitated before answering and looked down at the mug in my hands. I could never lie to him. He always had the uncanny ability to know whenever any of us lied.

He sighed. “I won’t dictate your life, Zara. But I do trust that you will make the right decisions for yourself.”

I nodded my head and gave him another smile. “You can trust me.”

“I know, Zara. I know.” He smiled back and kissed my forehead. “Good night, kiddo. Don’t let these boys get to your head. They aren’t worth it.”

With that, he ruffled my hair and laughed at my annoyed expression. Giving me another kiss on the forehead, he walked out of my room.

What can I say, I am a daddy’s girl!

The next day at school was pretty boring if I say so myself. I had bravely battled through three periods, keeping my head high and warding off any signs of sleep.

The downside with the last period before lunch was that I didn’t have either of my friends in it. So, it had just changed from boring to super boring.

And the teacher, who I was pretty sure, was going through a mid-life crisis, was droning on and on about algebraic equations, which no one gives two s**ts about. Remind me why thought taking AP English for my final year would be nice. Right, extra credit, of course!

I groaned.


Quite loudly.

So much so that the teacher stopped talking, the class was silent and everyone was looking directly at me.

Kill. Me. Now.

My cheeks burned from embarrassment at the sudden attention and I even heard a few snickers coming from the slackers seated in the back. I so wanted to glare at them but I refrained from doing so because I knew Mr. Andrews had something to say about the disruption. Great.

“Miss Hemming, is everything ok?” Mr. Andrews arched an eyebrow. If he was trying to look intimidating then I must say, he failed. A middle-aged man wearing khaki trousers with a pot belly could hardly look intimidating with a raised eyebrow.

Instead of telling him exactly that, I smiled inwardly as a plan began to form in 1



I groaned again and clutched my stomach as if I was going to puke my guts out any second. “No, sir. Add a little stutter to make it a little more believable stomach cramps.”

He flushed in embarrassment. What is with guys evading the topic of us females bleeding?

But the sad part in me was enjoying his discomfort. He cleared his throat before speaking again. “Would you like to go to the nurse’s office or perhaps the washroom, Ms. Hemming?”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”

With that, I quickly gathered all my stuff, swung my bag on my shoulder, and walked briskly out of the classroom.noveldrama

I lifted my hands in the air as a form of victory against boring classes, when the door of the classroom closed behind me.

I am an evil genius. Cue an evil laugh!

I roamed around the school hallways, carefully avoiding the hall monitor of the school.

The halls were pretty much deserted because all the students were in their respective classes and didn’t have the right motivation to bunk them.

I headed to my locker, dumping my books and taking whatever I would need for lunch and the period after that.

In a way, it was soothing to find the hallways empty, when usually all one could see was people bustling and elbowing their way in a desperate attempt to get to their classes.

Taking note that I still had some time left, I walked slowly towards the girl’s washroom. I could touch up my very basic makeup and check my messages while I was there.

Loccupied one of the stalls and did my business.

Suddenly, the doors to the washroom opened and someone walked in. I couldn’t hear the click-clack sound of heels, so I was pretty sure it was not some diva girl who would eat my brains about some new fashion trend she read somewhere in a magazine. Girls in my school were weird that way.

I opened the door of the stall and walked out, ready for some quiet time knowing the girl outside, most probably clad in sneakers or flat bellies, wouldn’t trouble me with mindless chatter.

3. 67%

But when I came out, I saw someone who I would have never talked to anyway and didn’t belong. At all. At least not in the girl’s bathroom.

I stood there with my hand stretched towards the tap to wash my hands when I looked sideways to find Harper Cain standing in the girl’s washroom and looking at me with an unrealable expression,

I have had it with his intense expressions. Snapping out of my daze, I glared

at him,

Yesterday night, after crying because of him, I resolved to revert to my previous self who wouldn’t give Harper the time of his day.

“Can I help you?” I could hear the ice in my tone and I was sure he didn’t miss it too.

He took a deep breath as if to collect himself before opening and closing his mouth several times.

“Look, I don’t care for your apologies because-”

“1. Harper Daniel Cain reject you, Zara Sophia Hemming, as my mate.” His expression changed to one of immense pain as soon as the words left his mouth and his features distorted into one of utmost despair.

And with that, he barged out of the washroom leaving me behind, with my jaw hanging open.

Naturally, several questions sprang up in my

How did he even know my middle name?


How did he have the nerve to enter a girl’s washroom?

What the hell is a mate?

And last but the most important question in my head was, what the f**k just happened?

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