MY Possessive Mafia Men

Men 37

Chapter 37: The Had Their Dessert. Chapter 37; They Had Their Dessert





Spending the night and morning at Marshall's house was surprisingly fun and relaxing. He took such good care of me that I was almost dreading going home to my empty and lousy apartment. The glass of water by the nightstand that I had said no to before I went to bed was a blessing when I woke up in the middle of the night, thirsty as all hell. I had woken up, grinding on his d**k but in my defense, I thought it was all just a really realistic dream until I realized it wasn't. And the way he had woken me up, a girl could get used to that kind of start to the day. The visual I had gotten of his massive huge ***k was ingrained i my brain and was now living rent free inside my mind. The first thought I had when he revealed his package to me was holy fuck and the next was ouch because let's face it, that looked like it would hurt. How the hell would that even fit in my tight pussy? When I got down for breakfast, dressed in the same shirt I borrowed from his closet last night, I had once again become a little self-conscious. But he didn't let me retreat into my little shy bubble for long, getting me into a conversation about our favorite books. While I adored romance books, he leaned towards thriller and mystery. I felt myself unwind as we continued talking about the mundane and everything. 1 also got to know that he doesn't drink coffee at all, he was more of a tea person. It was great to have a normal conversation with him without talking about bdsm and all things connected to it. As promised, after breakfast he gave me a tour of the house. I had imagined these three men. would all live in some ridiculous expensive mansion with millions of square miles. Still, I wasn't entirely surprised Marshall lived in a house like this either. Everything here was warm and cozy and small without it feeling cramped. It suited him a lot. "I guess I should be going home." I said after a while, not wanting to overstay my welcome.

I had things to do, like the doctor's appointment at my place. Gosh, that was weird.

"Sure, I will go find you some sweatpants

gesture made me smile.

in case you don't want to wear the dress." His thoughtful

The only thing I was wearing now was one of his boxers and t-shirt, my panties were literally crispy and gross. Walking up to get changed, I met him by the stairs.

I left the pants on the bed, it is one of my sister's from when she sleeps over." He said.noveldrama

Chapter 37: The Had Their Dessert

"Thank you, I really appreciate it."

anyone Never

has else I had gone home with been so considerate. I had to admit, it made my heart beat just a little bit faster.

He drove me back home to the same car as yesterday, though I had been too tired last night to even notice what I was sitting in. It could have been a golf cart for all I knew at that time. The car wasn't super extravagant like Riccardo's but it was still nicer than most. By the time he parked the car by my apartment complex, it was midday. I had promised to call Andy back when I got home, he wasn't pleased with the little information I had given him when I was still at Marshall's house. He loved gossip and for me, it felt good to share all this craziness with someone.

"I will walk you up," he offered and I froze.

Shit, I didn't

didn't want i

t him to see my apartment. I already knew I was playing with a league way ahead of me but he didn't need to know that. "It is okay, you don't have to." I protested.

"No, I want to." He smiled and got out of the car.

I was too stressed to do anything, so when he opened the door for me and offered his hand, I accepted without overthinking it. I tried not to notice he was scrutinizing the building which wasn't exactly up to standard for anyone but those who struggle financially. And when I opened the entrance door, he paused. Why isn't this locked?" He asked.

"Umm, this lock is broken, I think. It has been like that since I moved in." I replied.

In fact, I had been nagging the owner to get it fixed in the start at least but when he kept promising to do it but didn't and I let it go. Luckily, I lived on the fourth floor which was just a little bit safer. He didn't say anything more as we began walking to my apartment but I could see his brows were knitted. Outside my door, I hesitated slightly. Should I invite him in or not?

"Do you...umm, do you want to come in?" I asked awkwardly, hoping he didn't take me up on the offer.

Usually, I wasn't this embarrassed to be living in a crampy space with bare minimum furniture but then again, I had never really hung out with any wealthy people either.

"No, thanks. Maybe another time, I got something that needs to be taken care of.

Chapter 37: The Had Their Dessert

"Well then, thanks for taking such good care of me." I blushed, my thoughts going immediately to this morning when he did take real good care of nie.

"Anytime, beautiful. Hope you have a great day and I will see you on Saturday." He kissed my cheek and that st**id blush spread even farther. I wouldn't be surprised if I was entirely red in the

face and neck right now.




you on Saturday." I nodded and waited until he had gone downstairs before I unlocked my

I could already tell I needed to be careful with Marshall, he was too dangerous to my heart and I couldn't allow my heart to become involved. My place felt hollow and sad after spending time at his house. His house was so warm and homey while mine was not even one bit closer to that. Just as I settled on the bed which was often used as a sofa, my phone rang. It was Andy and he wanted to facetime.

"How is my cute little submissive?" He teased me as soon as I picked up the call.

I shook my head as I groaned, he was just being his typical self.

"I am great, really great. D***mn, these guys, Andy. They are so..." I trailed off, searching for the right words.



so intense and experienced and I feel so safe with them."

"Oh my goodness, you are making me jealous." He joked.

"So, you didn't answer my answer question earlier, at least not directly. What did it mean that you technically didn't sleep together?" "We...ummm...they kind of got off?" My response sounded more like a question.


just say they

Gosh, I can't

they had their dessert. I added.

I can't believe I was the one saying that. I went from ***y one night stands and then giving that up because they were indeed s**y to getting pleasure from multiple men at once. How did a change like that even happen? I had never even had an o**m***yone but myself, those men really knew their stuff. They really know how to work around a woman's body.

"What?" He shrieked, hurting my ears.


"Are you saying they eat you out?" He asked.

"Yes, I winced, too new at talking about my sexcapades.

Chapter 37: The Had Their Dessert

"Damn girl, you are getting some. But no ***k yet?"

"No, we haven't done anything like that yet." I narrowed my eyes, noticing once again how his hair was in disarray.

"But it seemed like someone else did." I teased.

I had never seen him blush before, that was more my thing but now he was definitely blushing. Taking that as a confirmation, I questioned.


"Who was the guy?" I ask

"Fine, yes, I met a

I met a guy." He admitted.

"It is all very new but I really like him. He is one of the good ones."

"Babe?" A voice in the background called and I laughed.

"I am really happy to hear that, Andy. Now go and be with him, we can meet up tomorrow and talk more, okay?" I said, hoping he would say yes.

I needed to keep myself busy tomorrow or else I would go crazy with nerves and excitement to meet with the guys on Saturday.

"Yes, I need a drink and more gossip." He nodded enthusiastically.

talk to you then."

-I eng up, I che

, I checked the time. I still had time to kill before the doctor would come in and my eyes went back to the phone in my hand. Maybe I should check out the contract Riccardo sent me. Yes, I should definitely check it out now.

I wondered what would be in the contract and I am d***n curious to know about it.

Chapter Comments

Gayner Hamilton


so far so brilliant, loved your other books but defi

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