My Hot Alpha

Chapter 426

I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop myself from smiling. "I mean it would be rude not to wouldn't it".

"Damn right shorty. I'm looking forward to it and I kinda miss you".noveldrama

"I miss you too Ryan". I would leave the college chat until I see him Saturday. We had lots to catch up on and I wanted to know how uni was treating him. "Right, I gotta get to class. See you Saturday beautiful".

Talking to Ryan brightened my mood massively. Not that I was in a mood but hearing from him made me smile and I liked that he hadn't forgotten about me. I pulled into the parking lot of the mall and switched off my engine.

I took my lukewarm coffee with me as I made my way inside the mall. Thankfully the weather was okay today. A little dull but the chill in the air was gone. First stop I made was Ulta. I wanted new skincare, and my foundation had gone dry.

I spent some time looking at different foundations, I picked up some new moisturiser and serum along with a new exfoliating scrub. Was it bad I wanted to start looking after myself again?

These past few weeks felt like I had let myself go a little and by that, I mean I wasn't really fussed on my appearance or anything else anymore. I honestly didn't have the energy to care about it, but I wanted to.

I wanted to start getting a routine back. Don't get me wrong I wasn't vain and you're lucky I washed my hair once a week but small changes, right? I smiled to myself I was being ridiculous.

I paid for my things and whilst at the checkout was guilted into buying Alien by Thierry Mulger and when I say guilted, I mean it was my favourite and I was running low.

Jake has always told me the card was to use and today I wanted to use it.

I left and stopped at Costa for another coffee and a bacon and cheese sandwich. I was watching TikTok's and enjoying my own company until Alanna's name started flashing on my screen. I was tempted to send her to voicemail but of course I didn't.

"Hello?". I answered.

"Hey girl where are you?".

"At the mall". I took a bite of my sandwich. "I needed a few things".

"And you didn't invite me?". She huffed.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. Being dramatic as always. "You could come meet me if you like?".

"Nah I can't be bothered driving. How are you feeling about tonight?". She asked.

"It's just dinner Alanna". It wasn't a big deal, and I wasn't going to make it a big deal.

"I know". She spoke. "But isn't it the first time you've all been together?".

"It is". I wasn't sure what she was getting at. "But like I said it's just dinner".

"Do you think it'll be weird?". She asked.

"No, because we're all adults and no one is going to make it weird". Like I had said a thousand times I was over it.

"Oh, okay. Are you sure you're, okay?".

"I'm good but can I ask you something?". I took a sip of my coffee.

"Of course, anything".

"Is everything okay with you and Carter?". Maybe I was pushing boundaries and yes, it was none of my business, but I had to ask. Hopefully, she doesn't hit me with being the fixer again. I was simply curious after our conversation last night. He didn't seem himself at all. "We're good as far as I know. Did he say something to you?".

"No, it's fine he just didn't seem himself last night". I didn't want to get into it too much. I wanted to enjoy the rest of today.

"He's fine Leah and if he isn't he's not said anything to me".

Maybe he was fine, and I was just overthinking like I always do.

"Okay well I'm going to go I'll see you later". I ended the call and tucked back into my sandwich.

When my phone started vibrating again a groan fell from my lips. Seriously? This time it was my gran. Why did I suddenly become nervous? "Hello?". I answered.

"Hey sweetheart".


Was she going to continue?

"Gran". I spoke.

"I was just calling to see if you were still coming tonight and if steak is, okay?".

"Yeah, we're still coming, and steak is fine. Have we still to be there for 8?". I asked.

"Yes, 8 is fine sweetheart".

Is that all she wanted? I feel she had more to say.

"Okay then I'll see you tonight". I spoke.

"Okay honey I'll see you tonight".

I lost track of time. It wasn't until I was shopping around target, and checked my phone did I realise the time. It was almost 4. I had a message from Jake and two missed calls.

I quickly texted him telling him I was on my way. I checked out my things, made my way to my car and was on the way home all within 15 minutes.

I sure as hell shopped today. It had been ages since I bought myself anything and well today, I may have gone a little overboard.

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