Howling Hearts

Chapter 80


I stood in front of the door thinking everything over in my head wondering what to do in this situation.

Maybe I should get help what if they refuse to help Scarlet. Have they already decided to abandon her?

Maybe it's too early... they are still mourning the death of one daughter I can't just throw this news at them and expect them to take the news well or be efficient at bringing her back.

Although in my opinion its way overdue she's been away from me for far too long. Suddenly I felt a pat on my back and shot my head to see whomever it came from.

An arrogant smile stared back at me his eyes icy blue eyes somehow felt warmer and then I realized his canines were back. The two empty spaces that were so prominent and a soothing sight to me had been filled up. A shiver went down my spine. Oh for goddess sake.

You know what moon goddess you'll owe me after I save your daughter and I think a break will be the least you could do.

I sighed as the memories replayed in my mind.

"Please tell me with those back" I said pointing towards Asher's canines which he so smugly showcased.

"You're not going to try and steal my mate are you?" Asher's face contorted to that of someone highly offended and confused at the same time.

"No dude I don't see her like that anymore. You can have her dude I won't interfere ever again. Besides I'm on the hunt for my own true mate" I sighed out of relief.

"Good I was getting ready to kick your a*s...again" We both laughed at my words and as soon as the laughter died I couldn't help but find myself staring at his canines.

"So when and how did you get them back I thought it was something set in stone"

"Oh yeah me too dude but after Scarlet healed me I guess she ended up healing me completely without realizing it." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway I just came to find out what you're up to since you've been standing in front of our betas house door for about" He looked down at his watch before his eyes met mine again. "About thirty minutes"

I scratched my head and giggled trying to play off the nerves that were running up and down my spine.

I couldn't handle them refusing their help and losing my mate. And although it being a small possibility it bothered me that it was still a possibility.

"I'm here to see Scarlets parents"

"So then just go in

"Yeah about that the topic might be... insensitive and aggravating for them"

"So mister big Alpha Lucian is scared of his in-laws"

"Shut up I'm not...I'm nervous about them not doing what I want them to" "And what would that be?" I rolled my eyes at his curious side.

I was starting to like him but I'm still a bit wary about him. But having a helping hand will only be good and maybe he will be more successful at persuading them than what I am at the moment. Still a large possibility that he might try and rip my mate from my grasp the moment he gets his chance especially with those canines back in action.

I'll just have to kick his a*s again.

Had no trouble before couldn't be much different than before. If he does decide to walk the same path I'll just have to rip those new canines out and throw them with the other two. "Scarlet feels guilty about her sister's death and has locked herself away leaving her wolf in control.

In order to get her back we need the help of her parents saying something along the lines of.

We don't blame you or we forgive you. Honestly which ever works?

She's about to go into labor any day now and I need her to be sane of mind and back uncontrolled by then. Besides I miss my mate.

So I don't know how to convince her parents of doing exactly that."

"Hmmmhhh" He hummed as he places his index finger and thumb on his chin seemingly thinking deeply.

Suddenly he knocked on the door. I tried to stop his hand by grabbing his wrist but I was far too late.

"Asher what are you doing?"noveldrama


"You know what would be a lot of help informing me about the plan.'

Just then the door opened slowly revealing a much disheveled Celeste. She was dresses in a cream knit wear PJ set with a dark brown gown that was almost like a teddy bear texture.

Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun and her eyes were red and puffy. She then looked between the two of us and I cleared my throat.

"Miss Blood moon I came to give you my condolences I know it won't bring Saige back but I miss her too and I feel that hole that seems to get bigger each and every passing minute as she's gone.

I feel that lost half of myself" Asher said just before I could speak. Celeste nodded at his words before she looked over at me her eyes started to become glossy.

I always felt awkward being around people whom were morning because I had no idea on what to actually do.

"Me too" I said and her brow raised. I cleared my throat once more. "I also came to give my condolences"

She then nodded and stepped back gesturing for us to come in. We walked past and went to go sit in the lounge where Scarlets father sat watching the fire burn as he sipped at his whiskey.

Although he looked much more put together and tried to look strong losing his own child was definitely taking a toll on him." Our condolences Mister Bloodmoon" Asher said again.

"And you Lucian" Rylan looked me dead in the eye.

I straightened my posture and fixed myself up. "We both know you're not truly sorry about my daughter's death" I shook my head slowly.

"Don't lie to me boy" I sighed getting myself ready for an explosive reaction that is moments away from happening

"Yes sir I'm not sorry." Silence filled the room as he continued to stare at me. It felt like hours but I refused to crumble. I mean for crying out loud I'm the alpha in the room here. When he broke eye contact first and looked out the window I continued to stare at him. Making sure that I was staying the dominant one. A sigh escaped Rylan's mouth. "I don't blame you Lucian.

She threatened your mate and unborn child. She was bound to die that day. And she brought it onto herself." "Rylan!" I heard Celeste shout behind us.

"Come on Celeste you know it's true. Saige brought it onto herself. And I don't blame Scarlet for one second.

I would've done the same thing if I were in her shoes. At least one of our daughters didn't turn out terrible."

Silence once more filled the room. "Where is Scarlet how's she doing with all of this?" Celeste's soft voice asked from beside


"About that" I said scratching the back of my head. "I think you both have to sit down so that we can discuss all of this.

They both sat down next to one another. Their eyes glued on me and I could see the worry build up with each passing second as the silence went on.

I took a seat across from them and sighed again. After explaining everything that had happened since Saige's death they looked at one another.

"So I need your help bringing her back. For her safety and Xanders."

"Will that be his name" Celeste asked as her eyes lit up for the first time in what seemed to be a while. I nodded

"It's a beautiful name" Celeste said

"NO it's a strong name" Rylan said and I smiled a bit seeing them so happy about my unborn son.

"You need to let her know the way you guys feel. That you don't blame her and that you forgive her." I continued. Rylan nodded his head almost instantly but Celeste seemed hesitant.

"I don't know if I blame her or not." She said in a sad tone.

"Celeste the only person to blame is Saige." "Rylan, you think I don't know that" "So then lets save the daughter we had instead of trying to save our dead daughters.

Reputation that got her to where she is now" Silence filled the room and we all sat at the edge of our seat waiting for her


"You know what. She wasn't at fault and she's my daughter too. Let's go save my daughter"

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