Howling Hearts

Chapter 17



My heart pumped at the sound of his voice and I was taken aback, rethinking everything I had done.

Am I doing the right thing?

Will he think I'm cheesy?

Will he laugh at my gesture to make amends?

"Who is this?"

there it struck me. Right in the gut. He never had my number because we never spoke over the phone. I got his number from Layla a year ago and he never knew. "S...Scarlet" I answered hesitantly.

"Red" I heard him grinning through the phone in the way he had said my nickname. "You miss me already". What he said was true. I was missing him terribly. "No, I just wanted to find out when you would be back" "When you want me to Red. Do you want me home?"

his tone of voice sent shivers down my spine. It was so gruff and sexy that if he was here it would be hard for me to keep my hands to myself.


Just glided out my mouth, revealing my true thoughts before I even realized it. "I mean yes I don't want you to" I said quickly, trying to hide my desperation for him.

"Yes you don't want me to stay or yes you don't want me to come home", I heard his grin growing even bigger with his words through the phone.

I didn't know what to answer. I didn't want to sound desperate nor uninterested. I wanted to be in the middle and play this game where he doesn't know where he stands. Just like I feel at the moment.


I said in a high pitched tone, at a speed I killed the call with such speed he didn't even get to say a word after that. I sat down on the couch staring at the platters feeling stupid for ordering them and doing something like that. He's not known as a romantic type.

I stared at them for a short while and decided to get up from the couch and pack all this right again. I was just about to pick up the platter when the door slammed open against the wall behind it.

Revealing a sweaty Asher with a look of anger on his face and his arm muscles tensing up with their hold on the door. I wasn't shocked nor happy nor angry, I was just lustful at the sight that was before my eyes showcasing a man in all his glory.

He didn't have a shirt on again. It's like he's allergic to fabric covering his chest.

"You are my worst frustration",noveldrama

He growled while making his way over to me. My heart shattered at his words. "Ash..." was all I could get out before a big knot started filling my head, trying to keep tears there instead of pooling in my eyes.

I turned my head to look at what I had set up the lounge and wondered why I had done it for him in the first place. His head turned to follow my gaze and it was like a big pause button was pressed. He stood there looking at what I had done with the blankets and the pillows set up in the middle of the lounge suite where the coffee table was before I had moved it to make a little bed. The plates were laid in the middle of it with the only light source surrounding the area being candle light with a movie on pause on the TV to have a little date night and discuss our issues.

So I turned around and made my way to the mini bar in the corner of the lounge to grab a shot of strawberry vodka. Even though I never drank before, today I needed it. His words made me need it.

I took the shot and it burned all the way down my thoughts and filled my mouth with the vilest taste I have ever tasted. My face pulled in a manner that showed every bit of my experience. "See, this is what I mean by my worst frustration," he said once again.

I turned around and glared at him like I had never glared at anyone before. Waiting for him to continue his rant.

"On the phone you give me mixed signals. Here you give me a clear signal just like last night, but every time you run away. You're making my mind spin as if I'm drunk." "Right now I wish I was", I retorted with my back turned to him.

"Why did you do this Red?"

"I wanted to speak to you about last night and make it up to you but that went down the drain."

"How about we start this all over?" I looked at him in confusion. Has he finally lost his mind? He ran to the apartment door that was barely holding on its hinges and closed it.

He then opened the door again.

"Honey, I'm home" he said, whilst opening the door once more.

I couldn't help but giggle at him being silly. I have never seen this side of him and I'm happy I get to experience it. So I played his game with him. "Finally, I was wondering when you would be home. I have a surprise for you" "and what's that?" he said, kissing my forehead. Making me giggle more.

"Well, I have been thinking since last night and this morning went pretty badly. I got a little-at-home date ready for us to enjoy and get to know one another on a more personal level." "Sounds great-" He said,

We sat down on my make-shift bed and I opened the cheese platter first. "Yum, what's the other one?"

I opened up the second one earning myself a confused look from Ash. "Well I thought I'd make up for dessert" I said with a giggle. He also ended up giggling, understanding what I meant.

We ended up making small talk, getting to know what colors we like and our favorite food. All the basic stuff. Eventually, I built up the guts to start the eventual conversation that all this was intended for. "I'm a virgin". Ash stopped eating and placed what he was busy eating down. "So that's what you meant you weren't ready." I nodded my head. "I'm scared Saige would be better than me and always have you by a string in that aspect. It would eat at me if that happened."

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