Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 0435

His hands quickly scrambled to my arms as he wobbled trying to grab me in order to hold himself up, instead his claws just scratched at my skin and tore a chunk off of my already mangled arm as he fell on to his back. It worried me that I didn't even feel the suddenness of his claws scraping me, and pain didn't follow. I imagine the nerves in my arm were too damaged to be able to associate the action with feeling.

I watched as his eyebrows knitted together while he struggled to find his breath. He wheezed and more and more blood poured out of him. I myself collapsed to my knees and crawled over to the dying man quickly. I had to finish it!

I pressed my trembling hand on the weapon that was embedded deep into his skin once again pushed firmly on the hilt, grunting softly when the blade hit the ground from the other side, and out of the back of his neck.

I wanted him to suffer more than he already had done, nothing would give me as much satisfaction as seeing him scream the way he made me. However, I knew I had to finish this while I had the chance.

So, I wasted zero time in gripping the hilt of the dagger and pulling it down like a lever, watching it as it sliced sideways through his bone and muscles until a huge gash was left. The fact that it was silver made the action so much easier to complete.

I let tears stream from my eyes as I watched his own teary eyes go glassy. His wheezing stopped instantly and his chest no longer rose up and down. King josh was dead.

I released a very shaking breath and instantly fell myself, my back abruptly hitting the grass below, directly next to the kings dead body. My arm and head poured with blood, and my own breath began to slow down drastically.

I wasn't desperate to catch my breath like the king had attempted to do. After everything that I had endured, I let my sight gaze upon my abusers body. Laid out so perfectly on the ground and I smiled, knowing i had put an end to my abuse. I allowed my eyes to close and waited patiently for death to greet me, praying with every fiber of my being that I would finally pass on from the world in peace.

"DYLAN... NO!" I felt my head jolt and

my eyes opened for a split second before closing again from

exhaustion. "Dyaln, stay with me! Don't leave me! Please don't leave me." Lewis held my body and rocked it gently his hand enveloped my shoulder tightly trying to stop the blood flow. "HELP! SOMEONE!" His voice was desperate in my ears as he rocked and clung onto my limp body with everything he had. "You can't leave me Dyl, You don't get to leave me, not now, not after everything. I love you, I love you so much and I should have told you, I should have told you every single day. Please don't leave me."

"Lewis..." I whispered, my voice

barely meeting my own ears, never

mind Lewis's. His warmth helped me

feel less and less pain as I

welcomed my sudden tiredness with open arms. couldn't sleep yet

though, I needed onenoveldrama

ething et

and to get it, I had to be really

selfish "I love..." I had to take a deep breath in as just speaking that one word seemed to knock the wind completely out of me. "You..." I coughed, as the tightness in my chest only grew, each word making me feel more and more pressure on my ribs. I slowly turned my head to the side and showed him my bloody mates mark left by his grace. "Please... Don't let... Don't let me die with his mark." I felt my mind shut

down drastically and my hearing cut


I barely heard his voice as my mind switched off, a string of mumbles incoherently met my ears and I began to feel some uncomfortable pressure in intervals on my chest. I imagine Lewis was performing CPR or at least attempting too.

"Damn it... Dyl?!" I heard him scream. I would never be able to apologize enough to him, for not telling him how much I loved him.

He had fallen for me, but I couldn't return his feelings until it was too late. Even after I'm gone, I would always regret not loving him sooner.

All of a sudden my pain stopped in


its entirety, my body tingled with a warmth I didn't know I could radiate and my heartbeat although extremely slow and barely there Performed one single flutter. A small smile graced my lips one final time before I blacked out completely.

He had marked me, Lewis had given me his mark and I actually welcomed it. Now, even in death, the entire world would know that I had chosen Lewis, I had accepted a wolf as my mate, and it wasn't the king.

I was happy and pain free as I allowed death to greet me, with an accepting embrace.

**The final chapter of this story will be chapter 200, I can't thank you all enough for the support you have given me throughout the completion of this story. I hope I can do the final 11 chapters Justice.**

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