Bedmates Soulmates



work sister.

Kira sat down and ate her lunch quietly.

As the new low girl on the totem pole, she preferred to be the listener.

Lexi and Vanessa were already talking up a storm, with Dan contributing his opinions occasionally.

They complained about the rain last night and complimented each other on their looks for the day. Eventually but inevitably, the topic turned to gossip.

Kira's ears pricked up when someone mentioned Austyn's name.

'Did you see the season finale of Dynasties last night? Vanessa said. 'It was such a let-down. And Kayleigh Woods' acting was, as usual, abysmal."

"Don't say that," Dan chimed in. 'You could be badmouthing the future Mrs McCarthy,"

Kira kept her head down.

"So you've heard the rumour too," Vanessa said.

"What rumour? Lexi asked.

"Don't you watch the entertainment channel? Vanessa said. 'Our president was seen heading into a hotel with Kayleigh Woods last week. There were photos. It was all over the news." 'I watched the news,' Lexi said. "How come I didn't see anything?"

'It must have been taken off the air then,' said Vanessa, who shrugged. 'Too bad. I was waiting for a follow-up."

"Maybe our president has given the word. Dan whispered.

To kill the story? Why? Vanessa pondered out loud. If the two of them are dating, what's there to hide?

"What if it's not serious between them? Lexi said. "Maybe it's just a fling. Or maybe our president just doesn't like having his face plastered all over the tabloid TV, so he had it taken off the air."

1 like your first guess, Vanessa said. "Maybe our president isn't really that into her. Since Kayleigh has missed her chance, maybe it can be my turn soon!"

'Krk krk!' Kira choked on her broccoli.

"What?" Vanessa handed her a tissue. "You don't think I have a shot?'

Kira coughed until she was red in the face.

She shook both hands when she finally caught her breath. 'No no, Vanessa, don't get me wrong. You're a total knockout. Of course you have a shot. It's just that the president never comes down to our floor. I'm afraid he won't have the opportunity to be acquainted with your beauty."

Vanessa give it some thought, then she nodded reluctantly. "You're right. I've been here for two years, but I only saw him once. For two seconds. From a distance. Didn't even get a chance to speak to him. I doubt he even knows I exist. Sigh."

Her colleague's lament set Kira's mind at ease.

It seemed that her chances of running into Austyn at the company were slim to none, which suited her just fine.

When the lunch was coming to an end, the topic of gossip somehow circled back to the president.

Vanessa nudged Dan's elbow. 'You've been with the company for the longest time. Do you know why he's still-single?' Dan took a sip of tea, glanced around, then cleared his throat and lowered his voice, 'You didn't hear this from me." "I know."

"And don't tell anybody else."

'Mum's the word,' Vanessa said impatiently. 'Now spill

"Some years back, I heard it on the company grapevine that the president had a first love. He never really got over her.'

Vanessa's eyes lit up.

She leaned in and whispered, I knew it! I knew he must be carrying a torch for someone. Why else would he still be single in his thirties? Come on, tell me, what's her name? Is it someone we know?"

Dan shook his head. 'I don't know her name. All I know is that the president seemed really fond of her. He had eyes only for her. They had a good thing going, but.."

'But what?"

After a long moment of silence, Dan said, 'But she passed away."

""What? Vanessa exclaimed.

She gave an apologetic shrug when she saw other people glancing her way.

Kira was dumbstruck.

It was a bombshell to her as well.

Could Dan be talking about Deborah?

Whose name Austyn called out on their wedding night?

No wonder he got that look on his face when Kira interviewed him about his love.

She'd struck a nerve.

Kira regretted bringing it up the other day.

'Like I said, I heard it from someone else,' Dan stressed. 'I can't be sure if it's true."

'I bet our president doesn't love Kayleigh, Vanessa speculated. The dating news was a hoax."


"How can a living person hold a candle to the dead? When a person dies, all her faults die with her. Only fond memories of her remain, and they will be enshrined in her lover's heart. I bet Kayleigh is just a stand-


Austyn's Mistress

Dan just shook his head. "Anyway, just don't share this with anyone else. We work at the M Group. If someone finds out we're telling tales about the president, we could get in trouble. Vanessa mimed zipping her mouth shut. 'My lips are sealed."

Lexi followed suit.

She stood up and was about to leave when she spotted Kira sitting in her chair, not moving a muscle.

'Hey, Kira,' she prodded the intern on her shoulder. 'Earth to Kira."

'What? Kira started out of her trance.

'Daydreaming much?"

'Sorry,' Kira plastered on a smile. 'I was just... riveted by the juicy titbits."

"Gossip time's over,' Lexi picked up her tray. 'Come on, let's head back to the office. We're visiting some clients in the afternoon. I need to go over the files with you." "Coming."

Ten minutes later, Paul was standing in the president's office on the 48th floor.

He made a detailed report of Kira's induction.

"Miss Hewitt gets along well with her new colleagues. They had lunch together. And, um, I overheard them talking about you.'noveldrama

Austyn was standing in front of the window wall,

He turned back at the last sentence. 'What did they say?'

Paul scratched his head. 'I was three tables away. I couldn't quite catch their words."


Paul fidgeted. 'T'll, uh, I'll try and sit closer to them next time."

Or maybe he could finagle an invitation to sit with them.

Austyn shook his head. 'Don't overdo it."

The president knew that beneath that soft, ingenuous exterior was a girl always on guard.

She kept those big, round eyes peeled for any sign of danger.

Well, when she wasn't drunk out of her mind.

Yes, Mr McCarthy'

You can go now. Keep me posted on her.'

"Yes, Mr McCarthy."

Paul was on his way out when he thought of something. 'By the way. Miss Hewitt seems to think that you may have had something to do with her getting the job! 'What did you tell her?"

Ausly's Mudigna

'Nothing. Just that was the one who made the call to hire her. And that it was a merit-based decision.

Austyn nodded. 'Stick to your story if she brings it up again. Don't mention my name."

'Will do, Mr McCarthy."

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