Be My Mate

Chapter 39- Going Mad 1

Sabrina's POV

Watching his lifeless body lay there, as if dead, gave me some relief.


Some kind of justice for five minutes before he comes to and maybe I'll kill him again, over and over again to ease my raging heart.

Ha! The man made just for me...... his entire being to compliment mine.. to bring me love, joy and happiness.

What a joke.

Aiden begins to stir and I watch in fascination as his body regains consciousness. Further proving to me what he has been saying for the longest time, that he was just like me.


We were destined to stay together for the longest time. This man is to be the only friend I will have in what is to be my life, surpassing most as they grow old and die. Not as fast as humans but it's inevitable, life has to come to an end to make space for a new one.

The only sad part is that we are not allowed to remember our past lives. I wish I did, maybe it would shed some light on my love life and why it's always a rollercoaster. Every man I'm told was made for me, tied together by fate, ends up hurting me.

The kind of hurt where they make a choice knowing what it would do to me.

I watch him, open his eyes and close them. Trying to adjust to the lighting in the room, his eyes opening once more and then it hits him...

Aiden tries to sit up, gasping for air as he wakes up fully and we make eye contact.

'Sab, I don't know if we are ever going to find the people that were in this house with Aiden.' Anthony mind links me.

'Use your damn senses! Do I have to think for you too?' I snap. Target in front of me but recipient of my anger was my twin.noveldrama

Anthony growls, saying nothing back to me.

"Sabrina, let me explain." Aiden pleads, trying to move his body but something was holding him down.

"What's there to explain?" I ask as I walk towards him.

"You killed Percy. You tried to kill Max and Xander but failed. You almost had my son killed!!" I say, feeling a rush of anger surging through me.

"No no no... I did not. I told them to stay away from the boy." He says and I chuckle.

"You are mated to me and you call him the boy?" I ask. Realizing what he just said, he shakes his head from side to side.

"I don't mean it like that." He says, his head falling back on the pillow.

I watch him, his face finally showing emotion and eyes brimming with tears. For the first time I could feel what he was really feeling.

"I don't know if you know the pain of losing your parents. At my age, seeing them killed in front of me." Aiden says, his eyes closed as if reliving the memory.

"I watched as my brother, my best friend was slain. He died without honor or dignity. I had to endure the pain of losing them as they hung in the air for all to see. I know what they did but they were my family." He says, voice getting deeper as his wolf surfaces.

"The family that hurt my brother and killed his mate. The same family that tortured CJ? The very same? The very same family that had a hand in sending my family in to hiding? Working with the previous moon goddess to betray my family?" I ask, my wolf coming forth.

"Sabrina...." Aiden tries to explain but I cut him off.

"When we came back to this realm,


we spared your family. Mainly because we found out that I was mated to you. My father put aside his need for vengeance for the sake of my happiness but that was not enough for your family. Greed and pride told them that they had to rule, never mind, the gift of shifting provided by my family, my blood that runs in all your veins. Oh let's forget that they put a womanin my place, who tried to kill me. Who kept me on earth so I don't take what's rightfully mine and I am still angry. Killing your father and brother did not quell my feelings or make it all better. You want me to say sorry? I'm not sorry for killing them. I am definitely not sorry for showing my kill to everyone and reminding them that they could be next but I guess that didn't work because you were able to form a resistance. I'm telling. you now, you will all pay dearly for what you have done." I say, my face stained with tears as I relive the day we found out Arianna was dead, when I found my son in his bed almost lifeless and Percy's last breath.

'Sab, we are waiting for you outside.' Josey links me.

I wipe my face with my hands, and make my way to the door, Aiden involuntarily follows. My power raising him from the bed and floating in the air just like his father and brother. He tries to shake himself loose but fails.

"Stop that. You know the one thing you did not get from me is strength and power. You may be immortal but I can still crush you, I am still the stronger one. I am the more powerful one so quit it so we can get all of this over with." I say, never turning back to face Aiden but he stops his movements and we continue on.

I find my father, my twin and sister all waiting for me outside. There was one lifeless decapitated body on the ground and I looked at my father's bloody hands.

I throw Aiden among his crowd of 20, all shaking with fear for what's to come. Reading their minds I could already tell they were all blaming Aiden for this, not taking accountability at all for their hand in all of this.

"So, who's idea was it to poison my son?" I ask and they all look around each other. No time to exchange pleasantries..

"I don't have the patience to ask again. I can burn you all right here, right now and feed you to my wolf pet." I say, their looks of horror making Josey cackle.

They push a woman to the front, her long black hair covering her face as she looks down.

I walk up to this woman and I grab her hand. Her entire life playing right in front of me as I see her decades of pain and hurt, the ones in power leaving them poor and hungry. Her anger was not directed at me, no. She just wanted whomever that was in power to suffer like she is.

The poison was her brewing, her skillful hands mixing up the vile liquid in her home. Although, she was recruited for such a skill, her agreeing to join the revolution was based on her hatred of the people in power.

However, the poisoning of my son was not her idea. She had no idea who I was as or what I look like, she had heard of my name but has never seen my face. It was Evan's idea to kill my son so that he does not take Anthony's place as the heir to the throne.

I let go of her hand and look at the silly men behind the woman.

"You think you can lie to me?" I ask before giving Josey a nod.

Josey picks one tall male, her strength surprising him as she pulls him away from his friends, causing him to stumble before her.

"I have seen enough to know who planned what and how it was to be done. Josey, snack time." I say and Josey bites in to the man's neck, within seconds his lifeless body was on the ground. Skin white as snow as all the blood was sucked out.

The others looked on in horror at their fallen friend. Right now, none of them would see the next day and it was starting to dawn on them just how close they were to death.

"The minute you joined this

revolution, you should have known it

will end in death. Aiden wanted

revenge, he did not care about your lives. Now you know that whatever promise he made to you was a lie to e get you to do the work. He has accomplished his mission of so he thought and I'd be doing him a favor by killing all of you really... which I will and I will enjoy it. I will invite the people in this realm to a feast and have them eat your flesh as they laugh and get drunk." I say.

Josey grabs the woman and carries her in to the house, as if reading my mind. She would be useful and I guess that saved her.

"I call upon a challenge." One of the man shouts, gaining Hunter's attention.

"Come forth young man. A challenge cannot be ignored." Hunter says, taking his shirt off and smiling.

"I will die with honor." The man says before charging at Hunter, who stands still, waiting.

My eyes fixed on Aiden, who was looking at my father.

The man reaches Hunter but is too slow to see my dad's arms reach out for him and throw him to the ground. Hunter's foot smashing his head in to

the ground as blood and brain matter scatter around us. My dad is nuts.

Hunter looks on at the crowd, waiting for someone else to call on a challenge but they all look down, choosing to remain quiet.

I throw a ball of fire at them as Anthony pulls Aiden away. Their screams could be heard on earth as they were deafening. The smell of burning meat filling the air as they drop to the ground one by one, engulfed by purple flames.

Aiden watches on in horror as his followers die.

This was just the beginning. I have plans for this realm, plans to instill fear and inferiority. Fear is crippling and with that, nobody will ever think of coming after one of us.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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